Final Election Voting Process & Result - 2017
19.11 Voting Process
19.11.1 All votes must be by secret ballot. Votes may be cast electronically, in person, telephonically or some combination thereof. For votes cast in person or telephonically, the services of a trusted third party will ensure the secrecy of the ballot.
19.11.5 When there are two candidates remaining, there will be a vote of the electorate. Should one candidate receive greater than 50% of votes cast, that candidate will be declared the winner. If there is a tie, and if sufficient time remains, the BMSPC will run the tied election over again in case voter positions have changed. Detailed vote results will be announced at the completion of every vote.
19.11.6 If there is no time to have the run-off election in as called for in 19.11.4, to run the tied election over again as called for in 19.11.5 or if after the second vote there is still a tie, a random selection by a method determined in advance by the BMSPC will be used to identify the candidate to be removed. Such method will be one that does not rely on trusted agents but can be independently verified.
19.11.7 If multiple voting rounds are necessary and if the schedule permits, time should be allowed for discussion and consultation between rounds.
Read the ALAC RoP here:
Subject | ICANN Board Director Selected by the At-Large Community - Vote Round 1 (2017 Cycle) | |||||||||||||||
Open | 12:00 UTC | |||||||||||||||
Close | 12:00 UTC | |||||||||||||||
Purpose | To select one Candidate out of two Final Candidates. The successful Candidate of this vote becomes the ICANN Board Director selected by the At-Large Community (Seat #15) from the end of 2017 AGM (3 Nov 2017) to the end of 2020 AGM (23 Oct 2020). | |||||||||||||||
Electorate | | |||||||||||||||
Voter Anonymity | Anonymous | |||||||||||||||
Vote Method | Simple majority. An electorate member can only choose one Candidate. | |||||||||||||||
Quorum Requirements | The vote must meet both requirements below to reach quorum:
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Result Interpretation | The Candidate with the highest votes, which must exceed 50% of the vote cast, becomes the ICANN Board Director selected by the At-Large Community (Seat #15) from the end of 2017 AGM (3 Nov 2017) to the end of 2020 AGM (23 Oct 2020). | |||||||||||||||
Tie Breaking | If two Candidates receive exactly the same number of votes, BMSPC will run the tied election over again in case voter positions have changed.
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Vote Change | Once a vote has been cast in BigPulse, change is not allowed. | |||||||||||||||
Vote Wording | Who do you support to become the ICANN Board Director selected by the At-Large Community (Seat #15) from the end of 2017 AGM (3 Nov 2017) to the end of 2020 AGM (23 Oct 2020)? Please select one Candidate below (listed in alphabetical order of the last name):
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Vote Announcement | | |||||||||||||||
Vote Result | Who do you support to become the ICANN Board Director selected by the At-Large Community (Seat #15) from the end of 2017 AGM (3 Nov 2017) to the end of 2020 AGM (23 Oct 2020)? Please select one Candidate below (listed in alphabetical order of the last name):
As at Poll close: Sunday 26 February 2017 22:24 UTC
To confirm: The At-Large Community has selected León Felipe Sánchez Ambía to become its ICANN Board Director (Seat #15) from the end of 2017 AGM (3 Nov 2017) to the end of 2020 AGM (23 Oct 2020). You may view the result independently under: |