(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)
EN: Glenn McKnight, John Laprise, Gordon Chillcott, Monique Chartrand, Leah Symekher, , Eduardo Diaz, Alfredo Calderon, Alan Greenberg, Seth Reiss, Howard Deane, Candice Mendez, Joly MacFie, Allan Skuce, Yubelkys Montalvo, Tom Lowenhaupt
FR: Louis Houle, Monique Chartrand
Apologies: Judith Hellerstein
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Joe Catapano, Terri Agnew
Call management: Terri Agnew
FR interpreter: Camila
Adobe Connect Recording: EN
2. Action Items - Staff ( 2 minutes)
2.1 ) Update on Michael Miranda, ACM
3. Announcements and Community Activities from the Membership (5 minutes)
4. Results of FY17 Special Requests (10 Minutes) Heidi
See: At-Large FY17 Special Request Implementation Workspace
4.1 Tribal Ambassador Pilot
4.2 NARALO General Assembly 2016
-Call for Volunteers
-Aims of Events
4.3 Captioning Pilot- Judith
5. NARALO CROPP FY 16 and CROPP FY 17 (8 minutes)
CROPP FY 16 Reports
Focus on Accessibility
CROPP FY 17 Starts July 1, 2016. 8 weeks still needed for processing requests.
Thomas Lowenhaupt (November event) -Submitted
6. NARALO Elections (5 minutes) - Glenn
7. Carried Over- Update on Consumer Trust- Garth Bruen (10 minutes)
Job description for consumer safeguard position has been posted, https://icann-openhire.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobInfo&version=1&jobid=213889.
8. NARALO Newsletter - Eduardo Diaz ( 2 Minutes)
9. Request for Volunteers Working Group and Policy People- Vacancies (4 Minutes)
New NARALO Mailcard Committee- Need chair and volunteers-
10. Review of Current ALAC Public Consultations - Alan Greenberg (7 minutes)
See: Policy Advice Page on New At-Large Website Beta
See: Policy Advice Development Page
See: ICANN Public Comment page
11. Any Other Business (5 Minutes)
12 . Adjournment