At-Large Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors ‬Workspace

At-Large Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors ‬Workspace

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Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors

ADOPTED 15Y, 0N, 0Aleon.sanchez     AL-ALAC-ST-0616-02-00-EN

For information about this Public Comment, please click here 





The final draft version to be voted upon by the ALAC will be placed here before the vote is to begin.

ALAC statement on Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors


The ALAC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors and hereby submits the following as a formal statement to the Board:


  1. The ALAC recognizes the need to review the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors as a continued effort to address the evolving needs in our community;
  2. The ALAC is supportive of the proposed revision to the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors as it is our belief that said revision will help to improve areas of coexistence between the many participants in ICANN meetings, thus fostering diversity and strengthening our community’s richness;
  3. The ALAC believes the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors must be augmented by providing clear information about how violations to the Expected Standards of Behaviors will be addressed and who is to address said violations.
  4. The ALAC also suggests to include clear information on how and where to report any transgression to the Expected Standards of Behaviors.
  5. The ALAC also recommends that, once the Expected Standards of Behaviors review is finalized, ICANN undertakes a socialization campaign on these issues especially at face to face gatherings, which may include but not necessarily be limited to; handouts. posters publicly available and viable material and or some outreach activities, as well as some form of acknowledgment by participants that they have read, understood and agreed to comply with these standards.


The ALAC is confident that this revision to the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors will favor a better interaction between community members at ICANN meetings while providing a clear process to report any violations.


ALAC statement on Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors


The ALAC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors and hereby submits the following as a formal statement to the Board:


  1. The ALAC recognizes the need to review the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors as a continued effort to address the evolving needs in our community;
  2. The ALAC is supportive of the proposed revision to the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors as it is our belief that said revision will help to improve areas of coexistence between the many participants in ICANN meetings, thus fostering diversity and strengthening our community’s richness;
  3. The ALAC has identified an opportunity to improve the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors by adding clear information about the process in regard to how violations to the Expected Standards of Behaviors will be addressed and who is to address said violations.
  4. The ALAC also suggests to include clear information on how and where to report any transgression to the Expected Standards of Behaviors.


The ALAC is confident that this revision to the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviors will favor a better interaction between community members at ICANN meetings while providing a clear process to report any violations.