- Heidi Ullrich to create a wiki page to create a wiki page on the IGF Workshop Proposals
- Yesim Saglam to set up a call urgently this Thursday for the IGF Workshop organizers and Mandy and the O/E (No interpretation). Doodle to be sent today.
- Workshop Organizers to send their draft proposals to the SC on O/E mailing list by Friday for review.
- Glenn McKnight to confirm how a booth can be reserved for use at the IGF.
- Heidi Ullrich to ask mandy.carver how a booth is reserved at the IGF.
ICANN 59 Outreach
- Staff to create an ICANN59 Outreach and Engagement page to start documenting Outreach
- Gisella Gruber to post AFRALO ALSes travelling to ICANN59 and link to Outreach page
- Heidi Ullrich to follow up with Alan Greenberg on posting the ALS Criteria and Expectations document presented in ICANN 58 on a wiki on the SC O/E page.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond / Glenn McKnight to work with At-Large staff /Meetings staff on developing fun ideas (quiz/treasure hunt/bring more people in ) for the ICANN booth starting at ICANN 59.