Chat Transcript
Grace Abuhamad:Hi all -- the link to the DT-L Google Doc is here:
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC):Hi all
Allan MacGillivray:Hello to everyone from a still cold canad a.
Graeme Bunton:Hey All
Graeme Bunton:Agreed, Matthew
Allan MacGillivray:Matthew - that seems very reasonable.
Graeme Bunton:Calculating costs sounds nearly impossible
Grace Abuhamad:Yes @Graeme. I think the idea would be to make a high-level recommendation that this needs to be considered in new plan for example
Grace Abuhamad:The document is also posted on the Wiki
Grace Abuhamad:Wiki page:
Graeme Bunton:not from me
Guru Acharya:Makes sense. Agree with plan.
Grace Abuhamad:Unsynced the document
Marika Konings:Currently the escalation step relating to RFP says '6. Initiate RFP or [Process mechanism yet to be defined] [Pending Legal Advice & Fundamental Bylaw definition in CCWG]'
Marika Konings:agree with Allan
Guru Acharya:IPR related issues
Guru Acharya:Is there a DT working on it?
Guru Acharya:Transition of IPR will be dealt with them or us?
Grace Abuhamad:Jaap -- would you like to draft text/recommendations related to KSK rollover?
Allan MacGillivray:I would feel better were Jaap to draft the KSK text.
Guru Acharya:OK. I will try to do that.
Grace Abuhamad:Thanks @ Guru
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC):I will see what I can do, I'm behind with other work as well. It will be short :-)
Graeme Bunton:Not from me
Allan MacGillivray:I'm good. Let's get to work. Good call Matthew.
Guru Acharya:Bye
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC):By!