Response to ccNSO Council (1 April 2015)
From: Lise Fuhr
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 7:07 PM
To: Byron Holland
Cc: "cwg-stewardship" , "ccnso-council" , Thomas Rickert
Subject: Re: [CWG-Stewardship] Letter ccNSO Decision-Making Process
Dear Byron,
Thank-you for sending you letter of 26 March on behalf of the ccNSO. We would like to formally acknowledge receipt and recognise the challenges that the ccNSO Council has to work with.
Moreover, please rest assured that we are making every effort to ensure that the CWG proposal is robust and broadly supported by all the membership.
Please can you continue to assist us by keeping the ccNSO and cc’s in general as informed and engaged with the work of the CWG as possible.
Best wishes,
Lise Fuhr & Jonathan Robinson
CWG-Stewardship Co-chairs