WP1 Meeting #1 (18 February)
Sub-Group Members: Andrea Beccalli, Edward Morris, Fiona Asonga, Greg Shatan, Izumi Okutani, Jonathan Zuck, Jordan Carter, Kavouss Arasteh, Keith Drazek, Matthew Shears, Robin Gross, Roelof Meijer, Steve DelBianco, Suzanne Radell, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Vrikson Acosta (16)
Staff: Alice Jansen, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Transcript CCWG WG1 #1 18 February.doc
Transcript CCWG WG1 #1 18 February.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p4dfrlg6e2c/
The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-wp1-18feb15-en.mp3
Proposed Agenda
1. Scope of this Working Party, WP1
2. Work Plan and Working Methods
3. Scope Powers and Mechanisms
4. Volunteers
5. Any Other Business
1. Scope of this Working Party, WP1
Triggered / Non-triggered were suggested by CoChairs in Singapore.
WP1 is non-triggered group
WP1-WP2 coordination needed on triggered / non-triggered
Move AoC reviews to Bylaws to make them non-triggered
Triggered by whom? events, individuals
ACTION ITEM Jordan to touch base with Becky to OK lists
2. Work Plan and Working Methods
Volunteers needed to populate templates
Powers and mechanisms are different - distinction needs to be described - suggestion to have name of the power listed in title, instead of mechanism
ACTION ITEM Jordan to discuss with coChairs and WP2
Flexibility in filling out templates - not requirement to have all of the sections filled out
Roelof - 1 A,B,C
Steve - 2 A,B,C,E
Matthew - 2 A,B,C,D,E & 5A
Fiona - 2 A,B,C,D,E
Keith - Jonathan - Editor
Keith - 5 A,B
Kavouss - 2A,B,C 5B-2
ACTION ITEM Volunteers to provide input on how templates work
ACTION ITEM Staff to put template into google doc
ACTION: Staff to circulate Wiki tutorials to CCWG
Action Items
ACTION ITEM Jordan to touch base with Becky to OK lists
ACTION ITEM Jordan to discuss with coChairs and WP2
ACTION ITEM Volunteers to provide input on how templates work
ACTION ITEM Staff to put template into google doc
ACTION: Staff to circulate Wiki tutorials to CCWG
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (2/18/2015 14:56) Welcome all to the CCWG WP1 meeting.
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (14:57) Hello aal, good whateveritisyourside, we're the punctual ones, aren't we?
arasteh: (14:57) Dear all,$
arasteh: (14:58) Dear All,
arasteh: (14:58) let me note that you are a wonderful and fantastic group
Vrikson Acosta: (14:58) Good morning, afternoon, evening or night, dependeng on your timezone :)
arasteh: (14:58) I have informed evey and all other people inside and outside ICANN on how wonderful you are.
arasteh: (14:59) How effective you are
arasteh: (14:59) how friendly enviroment is prevails
arasteh: (14:59) Congradulation to all of youi
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (15:00) Kavouss, can it be that your mike is unmuted? I think I hear you typing
arasteh: (15:01) YES
arasteh: (15:01) TKS
Robin Gross [GNSO - NCSG]: (15:01) hello Jordan
Grace Abuhamad: (15:01) Yes we can hear you
Jordan Carter: (15:01) hi everyone
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (15:02) We can here you
Keith Drazek: (15:02) Hi all.
Suzanne Radell: (15:03) Hello everyone
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (15:03) Let's take advantage of Kavouss being very happy with us all ; )
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:04) Band is back together!
Tijani BEN JEMAA (ALAC): (15:04) Hi Brenda
Tijani BEN JEMAA (ALAC): (15:04) Can u plz make the operator call me
Tijani BEN JEMAA (ALAC): (15:05) I need a dial out
Grace Abuhamad: (15:05) Yes, we are
Grace Abuhamad: (15:06) Brenda is dialing out to you. One minute please
Tijani BEN JEMAA (ALAC): (15:06) Thx
matthew shears: (15:09) Jordan - is htere a document that distinguishes betwen triggered and non-triggered
Keith Drazek: (15:09) I thought you were at an air show. ;-)
Jordan Carter: (15:11) All: I have added a column to the table in the Scope paper to note which is triggered (T) and which is non-triggered (NT) -- just done that now
Jordan Carter: (15:11) it's at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-17DuxWJJuUk6QAelcz7X4L3KiyQ2XcEqapHVj9ir38/edit?usp=sharing
matthew shears: (15:11) thanks Jordan - that makes sense
Keith Drazek: (15:11) +1 Steve. I think it will be critical to ensure we don't lose anything when the 2 Work Parties come back together...as they must.
Alice Jansen: (15:13) Graphics can be found here - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/97715692/CCWG_Graphics_150212%5B1%5D.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1423698088000&api=v2
Jordan Carter: (15:13) Staff - is it possible to PDF and load the updated doc I linked above?
Grace Abuhamad: (15:14) Alice's got it :)
Jordan Carter: (15:15) thanks so much
Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: (15:16) Raising My Hand
Greg Shatan: (15:25) It might be useful to think of "non-triggered" as "proactive" and "triggered" as "reactive". Not sure if that works in all instances.
Jordan Carter: (15:26) Greg: I think that is a helpful way to do it.
matthew shears: (15:26) + 1 Steve - its essential that the AoCs get into the bylaws
Greg Shatan: (15:27) Doing the work is clearly not a "trigger"....
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:27) Agree. Won't matter whether they are called triggeed or non triggered as long as they are done. We also need the abiity to add/change reviews since not all of them will be necessary all the time
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:28) "triggered" has to do with how they will get activated (automatically or by request) once they are in place.
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (15:28) The way I understand (and understood in Singapore) is that untriggered is process, procedures, expected regular happenings (approving budget as an example). Triggered indicates an incident, something unplanned, unexpected (e.g. action against board inaction)
Greg Shatan: (15:28) Triggered rights require a bad thing to happen first, so that right can be invoked in response.
matthew shears: (15:28) + 1 Roelof and Greg
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:29) exactly Greg. NONE of this is about how these will be put in place but how they will be used.
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:29) we can all just figure out what work goes with which group.
matthew shears: (15:29) non-triggered is process driven; triggered event driven
Greg Shatan: (15:30) We are all in violent agreement with one another.
Jordan Carter: (15:30) Yes, I'm going to call this speaking list closed
Keith Drazek: (15:40) Triggered and Non-Triggered are only relevant for dividing up our work. As long as everything is being addressed and consolidated into a final proposal, it will be ok.
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:41) +1
Alice Jansen: (15:43) Link to template - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/97715229/Accountability%20Mechanism%20Template.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1424180237000&api=v2
arasteh: (15:44) BEFORE INCLUSION OF aOC into Bylaws, we need to eaxmine the relevance of all provisions of AoC after tramnsition
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:45) good point but my guess is that a lot of that is obvious and would easily be accomplished as part of a drafting effort
Keith Drazek: (15:46) +1 Kavouss, we need to only import the key and relevant portions of the AoC rather than just copy/pasting the exact language. It will be part of the process of drafting the updated bylaws language.
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:47) My guess is that 95% of that will just come out of drafting and leave only 5% for discussion
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:52) +1 Jordan
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:52) the "mechanism" is what we're pursuing with counsel, right?
Jordan Carter: (15:52) Jonathan: yes
Jordan Carter: (15:53) along with the legality of various things we might want to have the community able to do
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (15:53) and templates are dynamic things that expand and contract as the work begins
Keith Drazek: (15:53) Jordan, are you looking for a volunteer (or volunteers) to help with the bylaws redline to incorporate the AoC and ATRT reviews? I will put my hand up to volunteer to help that effort.
Jordan Carter: (15:54) The volunteers at this point are looking for the completion of the templates
Keith Drazek: (15:56) I support the work plan as discussed today.
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (15:56) Where I am getting confused is that in our document "Scopes, Powers and Mechanisms Working Paper", Page 2 and 3 (see titel page 2) list the "Powers for the Community" and page 4 and 5 the Machanisms (see titel page 4). We seem to be using "mechanisms" in a different context than on page 4 and 5
Robin Gross [GNSO - NCSG]: (15:57) sounds like a good plan
matthew shears: (15:57) agree
Greg Shatan: (15:58) May have been eaten by a sheep.
Brenda Brewer: (15:58) one moment please while Jordan reconnect on AC
matthew shears: (15:58) Greg you are funny
Steve DelBianco: (15:59) Hear they have sheep even in the wainscotting down there
Brenda Brewer: (16:01) Jordan is having difficulty rejoining. Please stand by.
Steve DelBianco: (16:01) I'm thinking about volunteering to draft 2A,B,C, and E
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:01) I am happy to work on the AoC and related reviews
Keith Drazek: (16:02) that was Tijani I believe
Jordan Carter: (16:02) hi all, made it back
Keith Drazek: (16:03) I'll volunteer for some drafting as well
matthew shears: (16:03) happy to contribute to 2A,B,C,D, E
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:03) Thanks Mathew will work with you
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:04) I mean 2 ABCDE
Keith Drazek: (16:04) Plug me in to wherever you need someone.
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (16:05) put me down as an editor
Keith Drazek: (16:05) I can do that Jordan.
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (16:05) oh, no hand of power, that makes "editing" less interesting...
Keith Drazek: (16:05) I can take 5a
Keith Drazek: (16:05) and 5b
matthew shears: (16:06) i can help on 5a
Keith Drazek: (16:07) Great thanks Matthew
Keith Drazek: (16:07) Jordan, we can hear you.
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (16:07) we hear you
Alice Jansen: (16:07) Hi Jordan, we can hear you - would you like us to dial out to you?
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (16:07) steve has his hand up
matthew shears: (16:10) I think that makes sense Steve - our job is to embed it
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:10) Steve, I did attempt to use the template and have sent out a draft 0
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:10) to jordan
arasteh: (16:11) I WILL BE IN 2ABC
Steve DelBianco: (16:11) Fiona -- glad you already started on that. Could you please send to Mathhew, and I and we'll try and contribute
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:11) I agree with part of Steve's remarks coz there is a point at which I got stranded
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:11) Let me do so immediately
Grace Abuhamad: (16:12) Staff can also assist with Google Docs if needed
Grace Abuhamad: (16:12) (I used to do tutorials on the whole Google suite)
arasteh: (16:12) KAVOUSS ON 5B-2
arasteh: (16:13) KAVOUSS ALSO ON 2E
Steve DelBianco: (16:13) I could help with 4A as well
Grace Abuhamad: (16:15) If anyone needs a Wiki account, please contact me
Grace Abuhamad: (16:16) Yes, and we can circulate it
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (16:16) I am fine with the scope doc
Alice Jansen: (16:18) Kavouss, WP 1 drafts are available here - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/acctcrosscomm/pages/97715774/WP1+Draft+Documents
Steve DelBianco: (16:19) Jordan -- please repeat your last question
Keith Drazek: (16:19) thanks to Jordan for coordinating this work party
Alice Jansen: (16:19) Google doc created for accountability mechanism template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kAUMjLIX4srYvlxn2naD_P7qXoL7H77y8F_-trZJePw/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (16:19) have we lost Jordan again?
Jordan Carter: (16:19) I seem to be able to type but not to talk?
matthew shears: (16:19) I think we're good
Jordan Carter: (16:20) I was just saying that if there are any other items of business, please raise them
Jordan Carter: (16:20) otherwise let's close the call and thank you to everyone for participating
Steve DelBianco: (16:20) I think we're don
Jordan Carter: (16:20) (and I will make sure I have reliable Internet next time)
arasteh: (16:20) Arequest to Grace
Jonathan Zuck (IPC): (16:20) thank you
Fiona Asonga(ASO): (16:20) Thank you too Jordan and All
matthew shears: (16:20) Audio is definitely dodgy
matthew shears: (16:20) yes, thanks!
Robin Gross [GNSO - NCSG]: (16:21) thanks, all
arasteh: (16:21) Is it posible to send in an e.-mail the full list of all wiki that I could save somewhere to be able to retrieve them
arasteh: (16:21) Tks
Jordan Carter: (16:21) thanks everyone
Izumi Okutani (ASO): (16:21) thanks bye all!
Roelof Meijer (ccNSO): (16:21) Call's closed, bye all!
Grace Abuhamad: (16:21) Yes @Kavouss
Grace Abuhamad: (16:21) Will do
arasteh: (16:21) bye good time