Meeting #01 - 6 April 2023
Dial-In Details:
Meeting ID: 993 8576 0411
Password: 4T7$u*&P2R
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Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, 6 April 2023 @20:00 UTC [time converter]
1. Welcome (5 min)
2. Update on the status of the Pilot Holistic Review (10 min)
a. Analysis of public comments
b. Proposed pathway forward: address the public comments through revision of the ToR
c. ICANN 76 meeting
3. Discussion (40 min)
4. Next steps (5 min)
Attendees: Katrina Sataki, Maarten Botterman, Avri Doria, Matthew Shears, Sebastien Bachollet, Osvaldo Novoa, Vanda Scartezini
ICANN Org: Jason Kean, Pamela Smith, Larisa Gurnick, Theresa Swinehart, Mary Wong, Sam Eisner, Yvette Gugneaux, Giovanni Seppia
Ombudsman: Herb Waye
Apologies: Pat Kane
Zoom Audio Replay: HERE
Zoom Video Replay: HERE
- Recordings Password: qVfZA^7%p6
Meeting Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
General Meeting Call Report: PILOT HOLISTIC REVIEW Terms of Reference - 6 April 2023 General Meeting Report v.1.docx.pdf
Decisions Reached:
Need for ToR Team to review ToR version 2
- The group agreed that the ToR Team needs to review the ToR to determine if the public
comments have been adequately addressed.
Bi-weekly meetings
- The group agreed to schedule bi-weekly meetings until ICANN 77 for the ToR Team to
continue its work on version 2 of the ToR.
Session at ICANN 77
- The group agreed to investigate the possibility of a session at ICANN 77 to discuss
version 2 of the ToR.
Action Items:
- Schedule biweekly meetings until ICANN 77 - ICANN org
- Send out excel spreadsheet itemizing public comments - ICANN org
- Analysis of how the Revised ToR addresses Public Comments - ToR Team
- Formulate questions for survey of SO/AC leadership, once the ToR team concludes their analysis of how the Revised ToR addressed Public Comments - ICANN org to assist ToR team
- ToR Team to determine whether to request a meeting at ICANN77 and if so, a plenary vs. individual meetings with SO/ACs. ICANN org to inform feasibility - ToR Team
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