Meeting #2 - Anything New | 29 March 2018

Meeting #2 - Anything New | 29 March 2018


Subgroup Members:  Alan Greenberg, Stephanie Perrin, Susan Kawaguchi

ICANN Organization:  Alice Jansen, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  Steve Conte

Agenda:  /

Audio recording:  EN

Adobe Connect recording:  N/A

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  N/A


Decisions Reached: 

  • Agreement on conflicts with privacy law - WHOIS and national law conflicts IAG Home. The subgroup will make observations about dissatisfaction with procedure and likely GDPR impact, but will not make recommendation at this time
  • T/T is deferred to IDN subgroup

Action items:

  • ICANN org to send question to ICANN compliance: On AWIP and ERRP, what does compliance audit for these policies, and what compliance issues has compliance encountered?
  • Susan to provide findings to subgroup on CLDP
  • Stephanie to prepare additional questions (if any)  for ICANN SMEs based on reading 
  • ICANN org to provide a base doc for this subgroup, into which Rapporteur can insert her summary of findings