2018-07-11 EPDP Charter Drafting Team
Please find the call information below for the EPDP Charter Drafting Team on Wednesday, 11 July 2018 at 12:00 UTC for 2 hours.
05:00 PDT, 08:00 EDT, 14:00 Paris CEST, 17:00 Karachi PKT, 21:00 Tokyo JST, 22:00 Melbourne AEST
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/yby99r4m
(1) Introduction & welcome
(2) Small team summary
(3) Team composition
(4) Scope
(5) Other outstanding charter issues
Dial outs: Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Heather Forrest, Erika Mann, Tatiana Tropina, Arsene Tungali
Apologies: Darcy Southwell, Marie Pattullo, Philippe Fouquart, Carlos Gutierrez, Julie Hedlund
Notes/ Action Items
Please find below the notes and action items from today’s EPDP DT meeting. A reminder of the action items:
Action item #1: Staff to launch call to appoint members shortly after this meeting.
Action item #2: Staff to update draft charter with updates as agreed (see notes below).
Action item #3: DT to review scope document as presented by Keith (see attached) as soon as possible, ideally within the next 24 hours, but no later than by Friday 13 July COB and share any comments / concerns with the mailing list.
Action item #4: Keith to produce updated version by Saturday 14 July, Sunday 15 July - small team to review updated version, Monday 16 July - proposed final version shared with DT.
Action item #5: If there are concerns about any of the other remaining items, please share those with the DT list (by Friday 13 July COB at the latest).
Notes & Action Items – EPDP DT Meeting – 11 July 2018:
These high-level notes are designed to help the DT navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at https://community.icann.org/x/2wA5BQ [community.icann.org].
- Objective of today's meeting is to finalize charter in view of Council consideration during 19 July Council meeting.
- Considerable progress has been made on a number of items, including composition, as a result of compromises that have been made. Let's not loose sight of the goodwill that has made this progress possible.
- Avoid temptation to look backwards or forwards, objective is to produce a charter, not to do the work of the EPDP Team.
- Small team summary: held 3 meetings since Panama focused on composition and scope. Proposed composition text was shared with DT on Saturday 7 July. This language also included a role description. Scope has been the main focus of the last two meetings. Key points that have come out of the discussion: concerns around whether there should be a phased or parallel efforts - ultimately what needs to happen is that temp spec needs to be confirmed by 25 May 2018, but third party access is also important. Small team has identified a number of gating questions that need to be addressed before discussions can start on the broader access related questions not covered by the temp spec (not including the annex).
- Team composition - as soon as in principle agreement has been reached, call for volunteers should be launched. See latest version as included in the draft charter documents that were circulated prior to the meeting. Note also the requirements to commit to a statement of participation, as outlined in the draft call for volunteers that was circulated. Not adhering to the statement of participation could result in suspension.
- Vice-Chair(s): proposal to have 1 vice chair instead of the originally proposed two to keep the leadership team small. Consider leaving it up to the EPDP Team to decide whether it is one or two. How is neutrality of vice-chair addressed? Should this be mentioned in case of replacement of the chair? EPDP Team could communicate this as part of the selection process for vice-chair(s) so that expectations are clear. Agreement that it should be left up to the EPDP Team whether it appoints 1 or 2 vice-chairs, noting that should vice-chair steps into chair role, chair requirements will need to be adhered to. Update charter as well as call for vollunteers accordingly.
- Proposed change to iii - replace 'and trademark law' with 'and other relevant topics'. Agreement.
- Double check count of members/alternates/liaisons in charter and update if needed.
Action item #1: Staff to launch call to appoint members shortly after this meeting.
Action item #2: Staff to update draft charter with updates as agreed (see notes above).
- Good progress has been made by the small team, which is getting close to a stable document. Some challenges with the short turn around times and documents / comments that have been circulated between yesterday's meeting and now.
- See latest version shared in Adobe Connect which Keith held the pen on bringing different aspects of the discussion together.
- Some questions have been identified as gating questions which would form the pivot point to determine when further detailed discussions on access could start. Once those have been answered it would be reasonable to start discussions on the broader access questions.
- Note that in relation to third deliverable on page 8 there is a reference to full consensus - this is probably the result of a copy / paste. To be corrected accordingly.
- High level concerns need to be expressed as soon as possible, ideally during today's meeting.
- Suggestion to not use the term "non-public registration data", it is "the personal and sensitive information of domain name registrants". Concern about consistency - need to make sure whathever is used aligns with what is in the Temp spec.
- See objectives & goals section for the expected deliverables as well as expected timing.
- Timeline currently in the charter is only specific to temp spec related questions, needs updating to reflect this second part dealing with access.
- Important to be in a position to adopt the charter and demonstrate a united front at the upcoming Council meeting.
- Ideally have all comments in by Friday so that final version is produced over the weekend (Sat - Keith to produce updated version, Sunday - small team to review, Monday - final version to DT).
- Ideally no changes to any of the sections of the charter after Tuesday.
Action item #3: DT to review scope document as presented by Keith as soon as possible, ideally within the next 24 hours, but no later than by Friday 13 July COB and share any comments / concerns with the mailing list.
Action item #4: Keith to produce updated version by Saturday 14 July, Sunday 15 July - small team to review updated version, Monday 16 July - proposed final version shared with DT
Remaining items:
- Who reviews EOI applications? Proposal to have Council leadership and SSC leadership (Susan, Chair and Maxim, Vice-Chair) review the EOIs. Agreement to move forward as proposed (Council leadership plus SSC leadership). How to deal with Chair affirmation? Consider having selection committee decide by full consensus as all SGs are represented through Council leadership and SSC chairs. Agreement to have Council leadership + SSC leadership make a recommendation by full consensus to the GNSO Council.
- If there are concerns about any of the other items, please share those with the DT list (by Friday COB at the latest).
Action item #5: If there are concerns about any of the other remaining items, please share those with the DT list (by Friday COB at the latest).