APRALO Monthly Meeting - Buenos Aires 2015-06-24 AC Chat

APRALO Monthly Meeting - Buenos Aires 2015-06-24 AC Chat

  Lianna Galstyan: (07:34) Hi Ariel, there's no voice in remote
  Ariel Liang 2: (07:35) Hi Lianna. I will check with tech
  Lianna Galstyan: (07:36) thanks
  Pavan Budhrani: (07:37) yes cannot hear anything
  Ariel Liang 2: (07:38) @tech support - kindly check the audio issue in
the AC room. Thank you!
  Holly Raiche: (07:38) Good morning all - and now I"m in the chat -
  Ariel Liang 2: (07:39) Now we are in agenda no.4 (jumped ahead) due to
Patrik's schedule
  Kelvin Wong: (07:40) Thanks for update Ariel. Still no audio though.
  Ariel Liang: (07:42) Tech support is still working on this issue.
apologies for the inconvenience!
  Derek Hanson: (07:42) Working on Audio...sorry about the delay
  Lianna Galstyan: (07:44) done, thanks
  Ariel Liang 2: (07:48) great!
  Ariel Liang 2: (07:50) As a reminder to the remote participant, please
raise your hand in the AC if you wish to speak, so that staff can inform
the chair promptly and put you in the speaker queue
  Silvia Vivanco: (07:57)
https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/APRALO/APRALO+ALSes contains the
ALSes list
  Yasuichi Kitamura at room: (07:57) please show the document here, too.
  Ariel Liang 2: (07:57) Now we are agenda no.2, ALS participation
  Ariel Liang 2: (07:57) This is the survey that Siranush mentioned
  Silvia Vivanco: (08:00) 2015 APRALO Capacity Building Webinar Series  :
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:14) great to see Leonid  here
  Ariel Liang 2: (08:29) Now we are discussing how to engage individual
members in APRALO
  Murray McKercher NARALO: (08:31) @ Ariel, did we also cover this issue
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (08:32) I have just joined the meeting. Do we have
issues with the audio as i can hardly hear the speakers?
  Ariel Liang 2: (08:33) This issue is definitely discussed in NARALO,
but we may not have enough time to address that during the NARALO monthly
meeting in ICANN 53
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:37) thank you all and bye
  Zheng Song: (08:37) Thank you! Bye.
  Ariel Liang 2: (08:37) Now the meeting is ajourned. Thank you for
joining us