ICANN 2017 Nominating Committee Announces Selections

ICANN 2017 Nominating Committee Announces Selections


LOS ANGELES – 01 September 2017 - The ICANN 2017 Nominating Committee is pleased to announce its selections for eight leadership positions within ICANN. The selections include:

ICANN Board of Directors

Avri Doria (North America)
Sarah Deutsch (North America)

At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)

Hadia Elminiawi (Africa)
Kaili Kan (Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands)
Ricardo Holmquist (Latin America, Caribbean Islands)

Council of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO)

Marita Moll (North America)

Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)

Carlos Gutierrez (Latin America, Caribbean Islands)
Syed Ismail Shah (Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands)

Selectee photos and biographies will be posted to icann.org[icann.org] in the coming days.

Those selected will take up their positions after the end of ICANN’s Annual General Meeting, which will take place during ICANN60, scheduled for 28 October – 3 November in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

There will be an announcement coming soon about the Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Board seats, which is also part of the Nominating Committee work for this year.

The Nominating Committee is charged with recruiting and selecting a portion of ICANN’s leadership. The Nominating Committee is mandated to ensure that ICANN’s overall leadership is diverse in geography, culture, skills, experience, and perspective. Selectees should have the following basic criteria:

  • Have integrity, objectivity, and sound judgment.
  • Support decision-making within groups.
  • Work effectively in English.
  • Understand ICANN’s mission and operation.
  • Are committed to ICANN’s success.
  • Have experience in world affairs.
  • Contribute to cultural, professional, and geographic expertise.
  • Can work long and hard, generally as volunteers, for the global public trust.

An Independent Body at the Community’s Service

Hans Petter Holen, the Chair of the 2017 Nominating Committee, shared the following statement about the 2017 Nominating Committee results:

“As Chair, it is my honor, pleasure, and duty to report that the 2017 Nominating Committee has completed the task assigned to it by the ICANN community and made the selections shown above.

I want to thank the Nominating Committee for its work and dedication, in working constructively and efficiently together to reach final agreement.

I want to extend special thanks to Joette Youkhanna and Jia Kimoto for excellent support to the committee. I also want to thank Zahid Jamil and Stephane van Gelder for supporting me on the Leadership Team throughout the year, and Stephane van Gelder for providing the Committee and the community with regular report cards on our work.

During this year's Annual General Meeting in Abu Dhabi, the Committee will present the ICANN community with a Final Report detailing its work and providing in-depth data on the applications received.”

Regional Breakdown of Applicants

As noted above, the 2017 Nominating Committee received 99 applications from candidates all over the world (36 women and 63 men) during its nomination period. This nominating period took place from 11 January 2017 to 21 March 2017.

The regional breakdown of this year's candidates is:

16 from Africa
23 from Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands
25 from Europe
13 from Latin America, Caribbean Islands
22 from North America

To learn more about the Nominating Committee, visit http://nomcom.icann.org/[nomcom.icann.org].