CPH Membership Meeting (2 of 2) - ICANN74

CPH Membership Meeting (2 of 2) - ICANN74

DATE:  Wednesday, 15 June 2022

TIME: 09:00-10:00 CEST

ROOM: King Willem Alexander


  1. Welcome from the Chairs - Sam and Ashley (5 mins)
  2. Update on RDAP amendment to RA and RAA - Donna Austin and Jeff Neuman (15 mins)
  3. Transfer Policy PDP: Items for coordination between RySG and RrSG - Roger Carney (20 mins)
  4. IDN EPDP: Topics to Introduce into CPH TechOps - Dennis Tan Tanaka (10 mins)
  5. EPDP Phase 1 IRT: How a Data Processing Specification ties into this work - Beth Bacon & Sarah Wyld (10 mins)