GNSO/ALAC Joint Session: NCUC/EURALO Outreach Event

GNSO/ALAC Joint Session: NCUC/EURALO Outreach Event

Noncommercial Users Constituency (NCUC) and European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO) invite you to participate in an outreach session for civil society, academia and end users.

Location: Bella Center Copenhagen (Center Blvd. 5, 2300 København S, Denmark)

Time: during the 58th public meeting of The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on 11th of March 2017, at 15:00 –18:00.

Join our interactive discussion with ICANN veterans and new community members – we are going to convince you why ICANN is different this year and why you  should care and join or at least keep up to date with what is going on!

We are NGOs and civil society organisations, Internet users and academics who believe that everyone has a stake in Internet governance, and everyone can participate and contribute to Internet policy. We ensure that civil society and end users have a strong voice in ICANN and contribute to policy processes. NCUC and EURALO deal with many critical issues related to domain name system at ICANN, such as human rights, data protection, jurisdiction, access to domain names, transparency, diversity, and many more.

We will introduce NCUC and EURALO, explain what has happened at ICANN last year during and after the transition from US oversight, and open the floor for discussion on various topics, where civil society, academia and users are contributing to policy making.

You can bring up any issue of your interest and get the answer on how we are addressing it at ICANN. Privacy? Accountability? Jurisdiction? Cybersecurity? Anything else? NCUC and EURALO members are working on these issues and would be happy to discuss them with you!

The Outreach will be followed by an informal reception, where you can meet like-minded people and continue the discussion.

Please RSVP to this invitation by sending email to maryam.bakoshi@icann.orgOpens a new window or ncuc@ncuc.orgOpens a new window. Registration at ICANN meetings is free https://registration.icann.org/Opens a new window

We look forward to seeing you on 11 March at the Bella Centre Copenhagen.

Farzaneh Badiei (Badii), NCUC Chair http://www.ncuc.orgOpens a new window

Olivier Crépin-Leblond, EURALO Chair https://atlarge.icann.org/ralos/euralo

About us:

European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO) represents the interests of European Internet end-users in ICANN. EURALO is one of five regional organisations that are primary organizational home for the voice and concerns of individual Internet users in ICANN. EURALO advises the ICANN Board on the activities of ICANN that impact on user interests, and advocates for the Interests of users in ICANN policy and in other Internet governance processes.

Noncommercial Users Constituency (NCUC) advocates positions on domain name-related policies that protect and support noncommercial communication and activity on the Internet. NCUC members are involved in civil liberties and human rights, Internet freedom, consumer protection, education, research, development, and many other areas of public policy advocacy, both within ICANN and contributing to other Internet governance and Internet policy spaces. NCUC is a leading representative of civil society in ICANN’s multistakeholder model.


INTRO. ICANN, NCUC and EURALO: what can we build together? – 15:15 – 15:30

  • NCUC and its governance – what can we build together?
  • EURALO: how can European end users contribute to ICANN?
  • What is the difference between NCUC and EURALO?

Part 1. What is so different about ICANN this year and why you should care and join? 15:30 – 16: 30

Moderators: Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Tatiana Tropina

Interactive session with newcomers and those who are already involved in ICANN policies and processes.

45-seconds interventions on the topic “What is different at ICANN this year and what is your call for action” and questions and answers (with no time limit).

Coffee Break: 16:30 – 16:45

Part 2. Where you fit in ICANN, the issues relevant to you and where you can have an impact  16:45 – 18:15

Moderators: Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Tatiana Tropina

An interactive discussion on any issues of interest for newcomers with any background and skillset. Any questions – especially provocative questions – are welcome.

Track 1: ICANN’s accountability: how can we hold ICANN accountable?

  • Transparency
  • Diversity
  • Human rights
  • Jurisdiction

Track 2: Policy issues at ICANN: what we are working on and how can you contribute?

  • Data protection, Privacy, Whois
  • Access to domain names
  • Dispute resolution, trademarks and domain names
  • Private Ordering, compliance (of Domain Registrars), Notice and Takedown Procedures
  • Cybersecurity, DNSSEC

From 18:30 – Networking.

Resource persons from our side include:

Data protection, Privacy, Whois (Ayden Federline, NCUC; Lutz Donnerhacke, EURALO)

Human  Rights (Niels Ten Oever, NCUC/EURALO)

Dispute resolution, trademarks and domain names (Kathy Kleiman, NCUC)

Cybersecurity, DNSSEC (Patrik Fältström SSAC; Tatiana Tropina, NCUC; Lutz Donnerhacke, EURALO)

Diversity (Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO; Rafik Dammak, NCUC)

Access to domain names (Aarti Bhavana, NCUC)
Jurisdiction (Greg Shatan, IPC (tbc))

Transparency (Michael Karanicolas, NCUC)

Compliance,  Notice & Takedown (Lutz Donnerhacke, EURALO, Tatiana Tropina, NCUC)

The list is going to be updated with more names added!