GNSO Wrap-Up Session Marrakech 2016-03-10
GNSO Wrap-Up Session Marrakech 2016-03-10
Proposed topics for today’s wrap up session
- Lead for GNSO Schedule Development for Helsinki (Donna, Volker?)
- Letter to Board on meeting B?
- Request F2F PDP WG meetings day before official start
- Volunteer for review of GAC Communiqué
- Letter to GAC re. PPSAI (PPSAI WG Chairs to draft?)
- Council Leadership participation in new gTLD Safeguards meeting
- Letter to Board on reviews schedule?
- Statement at public forum re. adoption of CCWG-Accountability Proposal
- Ideas for on boarding new CEO (e.g. Invite to upcoming Council meeting)
- Statements made during meeting with Board / CEO
- Response to Board on auction proceeds
- GNSO Liaison to the GAC – confirm permanent role
- Next steps Red Cross Protections
- CWG-Internet Governance