NARALO Monthly Teleconference
Date: Monday, 09 November 2015
Time: 20:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
How can I participate in this meeting? 1(800)550-6865, Teleconference ID: 1638
Adobe Connect Link:
(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)
Attendees: Seth Reiss, Sunish Gupta, Allan Skuce, Glenn McKnight, Alfredo Calderon, Gordon Chillcott, Leah Symekhler, Tim Denton,
Le-Marie Thompson, Eduardo Diaz, Joly MacFie, Yubelkys Montalvo, Garth Bruen, Alan Greenberg, Eve Edelson, Murray McKercher, Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Apologies: Judith Hellerstein, Tom Lowenhaupt
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Laura Bengford, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Joe Catapano, Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew
Call management: Terri Agnew
Summary Minutes:
Action Items: EN
Transcript: EN
Chat: EN
Recording: EN
1.0 Welcome and Roll call
2.0. Action Items- Staff
3.0 Chairman's Address: Glenn McKnight-See attached slideshow
Outgoing NARALO Chair: Garth Bruen- Reflections, Observations and Outstanding issues
( Request to have Ariel's Website Update moved up)
4.0 NARALO Updates
4.1. Membership Updates Glenn
4.2. NARALO Outreach and Engagement
NARALO Outreach Strategic Plan DRAFT
4.3 NARALO Newsletter (Eduardo)
4.4 Information Sessions-Planned
4.5 NetGen Fellowship-*** ICANN Puerto Rico in our Region
4.6 Dot.Mobi- Murray
4.7 ARIN and ARIN Fellowship Update-
4.8 New Website Update- Ariel and Laura
4.9. Working Group Participation
4.11 Review of Current Public consultations - Alan Greenberg (5 mins)
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
- Preliminary Issue Report on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures - Adopted 15Y, 0N, 0A
- Use of Country and Territory Names as Top-Level Domains - Adopted 15Y, 0N, 0A
- New gTLD Auction Proceeds Discussion Paper - Adopted 14Y, 0N, 0A
- Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- IAG Initial Report and Proposed Revisions to the ICANN Procedure for Whois Conflicts with Privacy Laws - ALAC about to comment on the Statement (closes )
- Planned Implementation of the New Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) - ALAC commenting on the Statement (internal comment period closes )
- Statements that seem to be stalled:
- None
- Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
- New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
- Preliminary Issue Report on a GNSO Policy Development Process to Review All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs (closes )
- Removal of Searchable Whois Service From .MEET Registry Agreement (closes )
- New gTLD Program Implementation Review Draft Report (closes )
- Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for the Second Level (closes )
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
5.0 . Community Updates (30 minutes)
5.1 Technology Task Force update
5.2 Captioning Update (Judith)
5.3 Outreach & Engagement (Glenn) ( add link to calendar in TeamUp and spreadsheet)
5.4 ALS Criteria Task Force ALS Criteria & Expectations Taskforce- Alan
5.6 ALAC Tim Denton and Garth Bruen
5.7. IANA transition issues (Alan)
5.8 Monthly Report Template- (Dev)
5.9.Update on Compliance- Garth
5.10 Public Consultations
5.11 NOMCOM -Ed
6. Any Other Business
7 . Adjournment
Garth Bruen
IANA Transition Slideshow
At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability 2015-11-06
Capacity Building Webinars
Working Groups presentation
Both mp3 recording and Adobe connect recording available
ICANN Dublin Pictures
ICANN Dublin Video
Updated NARALO slideshow