Subject: Operations Steering Committee (OSC)
Date: 2011-03-24 05:51:53 GMT
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Summary: Next Meeting of the OSC: 05 December 2010, Cartagena, Colombia 9:00 to 10:00 am (1400 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST), Barahona 2 room Documents for Discussion: CSG Global Outreach Recommendations , GNSO Operating Procedures Section 5 , GNSO Operating Procedures v2 05 August 2010 Brief Notes and Transcript Agenda*
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Next Meeting of the OSC: 05 December 2010, Cartagena, Colombia 9:00 to 10:00 am (1400 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST), Barahona 2 room
Documents for Discussion: gnsotest:CSG Global Outreach Recommendations , gnsotest:GNSO Operating Procedures Section 5 , gnsotest:GNSO Operating Procedures v2 05 August 2010
gnsotest:Brief Notes and Transcript
1. GNSO Council Operations Team (GCOT) outstanding items
-Section 5 DOI and SOI follow-up to council vote
2. Constituency Stakeholder Group (CSG) outstanding items
-Global outreach program recommendations
3. GNSO Council Operating Procedures Elections, Absentee Voting, and Abstentions
-Section 2.2 Officer Elections: Chair and Vice-Chair
-Section 4.4 and 4.5 Absentee Voting and Abstentions
OSC Meeting: 19 June 2010, Brussels, Belgium (See gnsotest:Meeting Notes and Audiocast)
1. GNSO Council Operations Team
-outstanding items in the revision process of GNSO operating procedures (GOP)
(may include gnsotest:Section 3.8 and gnsotest:Section 4 )
Discussion and approval.
2. Consolidation of revised GNSO operating procedures manual based on OSC and PSC work
-information from ICANN staff (Julie Hedlund or Ken Bour)
3. Constituency Stakeholder Group (CSG)
-Task 1 Recommendations to enhance constituency and stakeholder groups
Discussion and adoption of report (subtask 1, 2,3) See gnsotest:Link to Document
4. Constituency Stakeholder Group (CSG)
-Task 2 Global outreach programme to broaden participation in current constituencies
Report from Olga Cavalli or Debbie Hughes on progress due 1 July 2010
5. AOB
Please indicate to Julie Hedlund (in copy) if you intend to be present or require dial-in.
Click on the link below and use the same dial-in numbers. PASSCODE: OSC
(These numbers and the passcode remain the same for all the meetings.)
Team Members
Primary Team Members
- Olga Cavalli - Alternate Chair (NomCom Appointee)
- Bertrand de la Chapelle (Individual)
- Avri Doria (Non Commercial Stakeholder Group)
- Chuck Gomes - (GNSO Council Chair)
- Ray Fassett (gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group)
- Robin Gross (Non Commercial Stakeholder Group)
- Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (Internet Service Providers Constituency)
- Vanda Scartezini (ALAC)
- Philip Sheppard (Business Constituency)
- Ken Stubbs (gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group )
- Steve Metalitz (Intellectual Property Constituency)
- Stéphane Van Gelder (Registrar Stakeholder Group)
- Robert Hoggarth (ICANN Policy Staff)
- Ken Bour (ICANN Policy Staff)
- Glen De Saint Géry (GNSO Secretariat)
Alternate Team Members:
- Ron Andruff (Business Constituency)
- Mason Cole (Registrar Stakeholder Group)
- Tony Holmes (Internet Service Providers Constituency)
- David Maher (Registries Stakeholder Group)
Staff Support: Julie Hedlund
Operations Steering Committee (OSC):
Charter of the GNSO Operations Steering Committee (OSC) (as approved by the OSC 29 January 2009)
Note: The OSC recommended the following charter be approved by the GNSO Council. A motion to that effect was originally submitted by Chuck Gomes to the Council list for action in the Council meeting scheduled for 8 January 2009. Pursuant to edits recommended during that Council meeting and subsequently approved by the OSC, on 21 January 2009, a motion to approve the amended version was submitted by Chuck Gomes to the Council list for action in the Council meeting scheduled for 29 January 2009.
Charter of the GNSO Operations Steering Committee (OSC)
The OSC will be responsible for coordinating, recommending and reviewing changes to certain operational activities of the GNSO and its constituencies with a view to efficient outcomes. The BGC WG Report on GNSO Improvements makes a number of recommendations in three operational areas, as follows:
1. GNSO Operations - developing any changes needed to the Council's structure and role in response to the Board approved GNSO structure;
2. Stakeholder Group and Constituency Operations - including outreach efforts to encourage broader participation in stakeholder groups and constituencies by explaining the added value of ICANN participation to such groups; and enhancing constituencies per the BGC-WG Report; See FN-1 below.
3. Communications - Develop tools for increased communication effectiveness and efficiency within the GNSO and improve GNSO communication and coordination with other ICANN structures, including members of the ICANN Board, other Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs).
The immediate goal of the OSC is to develop recommendations to implement operational changes contained in the BGC WG Report. Once recommendations have been implemented, the OSC will be responsible for reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of these new improvements and for recommending further operational enhancements as warranted.
The OSC also will take on other responsibilities as assigned by the GNSO Council. For example, the Council might have the OSC examine how constituency support might be further enhanced in the future, identify when new training curricula might be called for, or consider how to best align the GNSO Council's work with ICANN's strategic plan on an ongoing basis.
A. Working Method for the OSC
The OSC will initially establish three separate teams to take on the work of each of the three operational areas described above. The OSC will serve as the coordinating body for these separate work teams. There are two reasons to establish three teams: 1) recommendations span a significant list of topic areas, and dividing the work into three teams may reduce the volume of work asked of each individual participant; and 2) successful implementation of certain recommendations may benefit from special expertise and experience. For example, those who are active in constituency management will have valuable expertise to help the team responsible for developing consistent and transparent rules of constituency participation. Communications experts may have valuable insights on the best collaborative tools to use in a distributed working environment.
B. The OSC Work Teams
A brief description of each OSC Work Team and a link to its charter document are set forth below:
GNSO Operations Team
Develop a proposal for Council consideration on GNSO operations related recommendations. Recommendations considered from the BGC WG Report include:
• Determine what steps are needed to establish the role of the Council as a "strategic manager of the policy process."
• Define and develop scope and responsibilities of any other standing "committees" as recommended by the BGC WG (those suggested to date: committee to analyze trends; committee to benchmark policy implementation)
• Develop "Statement of Interest" and "Declaration of Interest" forms.
• Develop curriculum for training Council members, constituents, facilitators and others.
• Prepare clear rules for the establishment of new constituencies within stakeholder groups, while recognizing that differences exist between stakeholder groups and constituencies.
• Review and recommend amendments as appropriate regarding methods for encouraging, promoting and introducing new constituencies, while recognizing that differences exist between stakeholder groups and constituencies.
Work Team Charter: GNSO Operations Team
Constituency Operations Team
Develop a proposal to implement recommendations focused on enhancing constituency and stakeholder group operations. Recommendations considered from the BGC WG Report include:
• Develop a global outreach program to broaden participation in current constituencies.
• Enhance existing constituencies by developing recommendations on the following:
o Develop a set of top-level participation guidelines based on the principles as defined in the GNSO recommendations, while recognizing differences between constituencies and that one size may not fit all constituencies.
o develop a "tool kit" of basic administrative, operational and technical services available to all constituencies
Work Team Charter: Constituency Operations Team
Communications Team
Develop a proposal to improve communication and coordination for Council consideration. Recommendations considered from the BGC WG Report include:
• Improve the GNSO's web site
• Improve the GNSO's document management capacity
• Improve the GNSO's ability to solicit meaningful public comments on its work
• Improve the GNSO's coordination with other ICANN structures.
Work Team Charter: OSC Communications Team
Special Focus Teams
The OSC also may consider whether any of the activities called for in the recommendations lend themselves to being addressed through the establishment of a special team.
Work Team Operating Rules and Membership
The OSC has established standard operating rules and membership criteria for the various OSC work teams. They are set out in the charter documents that have been drafted for each work team.
C. OSC Operations Processes
Membership in the OSC
Initially, the OSC will be comprised of the following members:
• GNSO council chair or vice chair
• 1 representative from each constituency (need not be a Council member)
• 1 Nominating Committee appointee to the GNSO
Other Participants in the OSC
• Optional liaisons or appointed representatives from the ALAC and the GAC
• OSC Work Team Chairs
• GNSO secretariat
• 1 ICANN policy staff representative
Goals and Milestones for the OSC
To be determined cooperatively by the OSC and the work teams and approved by the Council
Decision Making for the OSC
Unless otherwise determined by the OSC members, committee decisions will be made using a "full consensus of the members" process.
Staff Support
The ICANN Staff assigned to the OSC and any work teams established will fully support the work of the committee and applicable work teams as directed by the Chair including meeting support, document drafting, editing and distribution and other substantive contributions when appropriate.
FN-1: For clarity, the GNSO Improvements effort is based on the following structural framework; (1) interested individuals or organizations make up constituencies; (2) constituencies make up stakeholder groups; and (3) stakeholder groups provide the structure for the GNSO Council. One additional structural layer added to this framework is a bicameral overlay structure utilizing two voting "houses." As approved by the Board, those two voting houses are themselves composed of two stakeholder groups each for GNSO Council voting and decision-making purposes.
Useful External Document Links:
GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan Final version amended 16 October 2008
GNSO Improvements Implementation Web Page
BGC Working Group's February 2008 Final Report on GNSO Improvements
Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC)
Operations Steering Committee Email Archives -
Useful Internal Wiki Links:
OSC Meeting Agendas
Original OSC Draft Work of GNSO IPT
GNSO Operations Team
Constituency Operations Team
OSC Communications Team
OSC Special Focus Teams
GNSO "Improvements" Wiki Workspace
GNSO Council Wiki Workspace
GNSO Policy Process Steering Committee Wiki Workspace
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