Work Team C 23.11.10 Summary Minutes
Participants: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Gareth Shearman, Dave Kissoondoyal, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Shaarawy Abd Elbaky
Apologies: Adam Peake, James Corbin
Absent: Fouad Bajwa, Freddy Linares Torres
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene
1. Roll call – 2 min
2. Review of AIs from 26 Oct 2010 meeting -- 5 min
a) Heidi/Seth to complete the collaborative SWOT page for WT C (four-quadrant -- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats -- for each of three topics: strategic planning, operational planning, and budget).
- Status: Done
- See WT C collaborative SWOT page.
Olivier: If any member of WT C has not yet filled out the SWOT analysis page, please do so as soon as possible.
b) All WT C members to add their SWOT contributions to WT C collaborative SWOT page by Friday, 5 November, 2010.
c) Each WT C member to examine, before the next WT meeting, the asks under Recs. 5 and 6 and come prepared to discuss "quick wins," as well as tasks to be deleted and added.
3. Review/discussion of WT C tasks under Recs. 5 & 6 to identify “quick wins” to be reported in Cartagena – Co-Chairs, 30 min.
Tijani: I suggest we go task-by-task systematically, discussing each one.
Heidi: And I’d recommend that we capture the progress made on each task with a new column on the Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline titled something along the lines of “Item Implemented” in which text and links can be placed explaining how the task has been implemented.
Olivier: And perhaps we could color code the rows or, if that would add too much formatting that might complicate the intricacies of the Google Document, as Seth has warned, just the task-number column. The colors could distinguish finance (budget), operational, and strategic tasks.
Rec. 5: ALAC should develop strategic and operational plans (including performance criteria and cost information) as part of ICANN’s planning process
Task 5.1: Strategic planning: ALAC processes
Olivier: This obviously fits very closely with the work we’ve been doing.
Olivier: Earlier today we had the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget Kickoff: ALAC call with ICANN’s new COO Akram and Controller Juan. It detailed the new way in which financial planning will be handled. This is certainly a step in the right direction. We should, of course, review the slide presentation more carefully when it’s available.
Heidi: Also, the Chair of the ALAC instituted regular calls of the ALAC’s Subcommittee on Finance and Budget, which, as part of WT C, has been holding meetings every other week.
Task 5.1.1: Review current processes within At-Large used to contribute to strategic planning
Olivier: We have reviewed the processes, and the work is well underway. We should update the strategic planning efforts for 2011. For example:
- Kurt Pritz is not head of Stakeholder Relations;
- On 9 November 2010, Kurt Pritz hosted the ICANN Strategic Planning Review with ALAC call;
- Kurt was also on LACRALO and EURALO calls dedicated to strategic development; and
- We have a one-hour session in Cartagena with Kurt, Chris, new COO Akram, and others.
Olivier: And the following item should be moved to items implemented:
- Review of microstrategic planning in ALAC & Regional Leadership Working Sesson, 07 March 2010, Nairobi.
Task During 5.1.1 review above, identify any barriers
Olivier: This is a topic that will be determined via our SWOT analysis. In fact, it’s an area specifically addressed by the SWOT.
Task 5.1.2: Propose measures to eliminate any barriers identified in 5.1.1
Olivier: No quick wins for this task. We’ll do it once we act on our SWOT.
Olivier: There are regular meetings planned regarding operational planning. Also, our SWOT analysis may reveal additional opportunities and, hence, processes to be added.
Cheryl: We have already discussed barriers within the current At-Large processes to contribute to strategic planning, and there has already been some progress in this area.
Task 5.1.3: ALAC and the RALOs are to review any 5.1.2 measures identified and agree to follow-up programs, if any
Cheryl: We are certainly on track regarding this task.
Olivier: There are regular meetings planned regarding operational planning. Also, our SWOT analysis may reveal additional opportunities and, hence, processes to be added.
Task 5.2: Operational planning: ALAC processes
Olivier: This obviously fits very closely with the work we’ve been doing.
Olivier: There are regular meetings planned regarding operational planning. Also, our SWOT analysis may reveal additional opportunities and, hence, processes to be added. This is relevant to tasks 5.1.2 and 5.1.3 above.
Heidi: If the SWOT analysis is in shape to present to the ALAC in Cartagena’s ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-Up session or in a meeting shortly after Cartagena, you might want to consider doing so.
Task 5.2.1: Review current processes within At-Large used to contribute to operational planning
Not discussed in this meeting.
Task During 5.2.1 review above, identify any barriers
Not discussed in this meeting.
Task 5.2.2: Propose measures to eliminate any barriers identified in 5.2.1
Not discussed in this meeting.
Task 5.2.3.: ALAC and the RALOs are to review any 5.1.2 measures identified and agree to follow-up programs, if any
Olivier: This basically means that the ALAC and RALOs will review our SWOT analysis. By virtue of presenting the analysis in Cartagena at the Wrap-Up, this task is already planned.
Task 5.3.: Review ongoing At-Large staff support levels and budget allocations in FY2009-2010 and increase support as provided throughout this project, consistent with recommendations in Final Report
Heidi: This is dated. Seth can update it to FY10-11’s more recent numbers.
Cheryl: This task is completed. The ALAC requested more staff support for FY11. We should simply link to that request.
Task 5.3.1.: ALAC and staff should develop an annual support agreement
Olivia: I’m not sure what this task exactly means. The wording strikes me as legalistic. And it may even have – or could have, if we wish -- a performance-related aspect. Could we ask Legal if this task is even needed any longer?
Heidi: Seth, could you research it in the ALAC Review Final Report and find out what it actually means?
>> AI: Seth to research Rec. 5’s task 5.3.1:
- To check ALAC Review Final Report for meaning of the task (including whether it includes a performance-related aspect); and
- To check with ICANN Legal regarding whether this task still needs to be done.
Olivier: Any other “quick wins” to add to Rec. 5, Cheryl?
Cheryl: Let’s look at it again in Cartagena.
Rec. 6: More effort needs to be put into developing accurate cost models for At-Large activities.
Olivier: Rec. 6 might have been valid when the ALAC Review Final Report was done. But, today, with substantial work having been done on this front, it strikes me as less relevant today.
Task 6.1.: Review of additional At-Large information that would be useful, subsequent to improvements in financial reporting in FY2009-2010
Cheryl: This is clearly currently being done.
Dave: We could list things that have been done in FY09-10. I’m suggesting an ROI approach.
Olivier: Does anyone think that performance models would be a good addition to this?
No one responded in the affirmative.
Heidi: May I suggest that the WT focus less on what has been done in the past and more on how the new process, presented to us in today’s FY12 Operating Plan and Budget Kickoff: ALAC meeting (23 Nov 2010; presented by new COO Akram, etc.), can be used to benefit At-Large.
Gareth: Yes, let’s look forward. I think that was clear from today’s meeting with Akram.
Olivier: Should we capture many of the standard operating procedures related to tasks 6.1 and 6.2 on a document(s), including a view toward ROI?
Olivier: Determining other information that would be useful to review will have to wait until we receive copies of the slide presentation shown in the AC Room today during today’s FY12 Operating Plan and Budget Kickoff: ALAC meeting (23 Nov 2010).
Task 6.2.: Regarding meeting accommodations, ensure that At-Large representatives are given treatment equal to that of other funded communities
Olivier: Should we capture many of the standard operating procedures related to tasks 6.1 and 6.2 on a document(s), including a view toward ROI?
Olivier: I must say that I don’t find this task as relevant to strategic planning as the other tasks we’ve discussed. I would think, also, that it is largely taken care of with Cheryl’s having already chatted with Constituency Travel about the issue.
Cheryl: Well, we’ve covered – and hopefully improved this problem – with ICANN’s CFO, but still must make sure that the message is not lost on the various new, important Staff positions recently filled – namely, COO, new Controller, etc.
Cheryl: Also, of course, the new Travel Guidelines will make this much better.
Cheryl: In our report, we can certainly acknowledge that this situation has improved over the last number of ICANN meetings. However, we want to remain vigilant going forward, to make sure there’s no backsliding.
Olivier: Any other “quick wins” to add to Rec. 6, Cheryl?
Cheryl: Let’s look at it again in Cartagena.
4. Briefing/Discussion of ICANN Strategic Planning Review w/ ALAC call (3 Nov) – Co-Chairs, 5 mins.
Olivier: I believe that most of WT C was actually on the ICANN Strategic Planning Review w/ ALAC call on 3 November, so I don’t feel there needs to be much of a review of it here. Are there any questions about the call?
No questions were raised.
5. Briefing/Discussion of the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget Kickoff: ALAC call (23 Nov) – Co-Chairs, 5 mins.
Olivier: Similarly, I believe that most of WT C was actually on the FY12 Operating Plan and Budget Kickoff: ALAC call on 23 November – that is, earlier today -- so I don’t feel there needs to be much of a review of it here. Are there any questions about the call?
No questions were raised.
Olivier: Also, as we mentioned earlier, we need to see the slide presentation again, used during the call, that they promised to e-mail around shortly.
6. Update on SWOT analysis – Co-Chairs, 5 mins.
- See WT C - SWOT Analysis.
Olivier: There is some information that’s been filled into the SWOT analysis page, but I still don’t know that everyone has done so.
Tijani: I strongly then urge every member of WT C who has not yet filled it out to do so. In fact, perhaps we could ask Seth to send around an e-mail reminder.
>> AI: Seth to send a reminder to the WT C mailing list for every member to fill out the SWOT analysis that is underway.
7. Any other business - 5 min
WT C meeting in Cartagena
WT C decided it would like to have an informal meeting in Cartagena face-to-face to prepare for its progress report during Thursday’s ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-Up. (This is in addition to WT C’s – and the ALAC’s Subcommittee on Finance and Budget – participation in Wednesday’s ALAC & Regional Leadership FY12 Budget Development Meeting.) Because Cartagena’s schedule is already fairly full, it was decided that a Doodle would be sent to determine the meeting time. (The Doodle should include as one possible time lunch on Monday.)
>> AI: Gisella to send Doodle to WT C to determine time for WT informal meeting. Times offered should (a) include Monday lunch and (b) all be before Thursday’s ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Meeting.
Dave: The meeting in Cartagena should be compulsory for members of WT D, not optional.
8. Confirmation of next meeting: Tue, 7 Dec 2010, at 20:00 UTC – 2 min
The next meeting of WT C will not be at its regular time of Tue, 7 Dec 2010, at 20:00 UTC. Instead its date/time will be determined by Doodle – and is expected to take place on Mon, 6 Dec, during lunchtime, in Cartagena.