Seth Greene: WT B CHAT: 3 NOVEMBER 2010
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.
Gordon Chillcott: Good morning, Seth.
Seth Greene: Hello, Gordon.
Darlene: Am I on the wrong channel again?
Darlene: What is the pin for this call?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: 1638
Seth Greene: 1638
Seth Greene: Hi, Annalisa.
Annalisa: Hello Seth, everyone
Yaovi Atohoun: Hi everybody
Yaovi Atohoun: My line will be muted for about 20 mn
Yaovi Atohoun: Has the conf started?
Darlene: Just starting now
Annalisa: just starting now
Yaovi Atohoun: OK. Could not hear people speaking yet
Darlene: I have not received a login yet
Darlene: Go to 1638!
Yaovi Atohoun: It is OK now
Matthias Langenegger: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109587836/Overview+RALO+Instruments
Sébastien: the page for today is
Seth Greene (privately): Annalisa, FYI: I just want you to know it's a very full agenda with some important discussion items.
Fouad Bajwa: Matthias, i think we should shift this spreadsheet either in to confluence workspace
Fouad Bajwa: or embed it into the confluence workspace
Seth Greene: Dropped off.
Seth Greene: Hello. Back on.
Yaovi Atohoun: OK for me
Fouad Bajwa: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109587941/At-Large+Improvements+Work+Team+B
Fouad Bajwa: This is the link to the names of the Work Team B members
Fouad Bajwa: Great Idea
Fouad Bajwa: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tGRIS8IHorfQ1NbZN_3e2QQ&hl=en#gid=16
CLO: any one with this link should be able to view https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhOqmBdY590QdExXZklQLVRZZUtncm1xSDZBVy1ROWc&authkey=CPSY6KIG&hl=en#gid=15
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Try this published link : https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AhOqmBdY590QdEdSSVM4SUhvcmZRMU5iWk5fM2UyUVE&hl=en&output=html
Fouad Bajwa: It basically sends each a new public key to access the document
Fouad Bajwa: i think the document link can be forwarded to an email address that is not a google address
Darlene: I cannot access this page. It asks me for my Google password, I put it in and I still have no access
Fouad Bajwa: The page created by Seth is private with permission to 21 people to read it so Seth this is in your hand
Fouad Bajwa: I wonder if the Confluence team can embed all these google spreadsheets into our confluence
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: if the google spreadsheet is published
Fouad Bajwa: it can also be published as a web page, maybe that would be a good idea to integrate/embed it in cofluence <embed>
Yaovi Atohoun: no
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: HTML link : https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AhOqmBdY590QdEdSSVM4SUhvcmZRMU5iWk5fM2UyUVE&hl=en&output=html
Fouad Bajwa: Yaovi you are authorized to access the document from Yahoo ID yaovito@yahoo.fr
Fouad Bajwa: oh okay
Seth Greene (privately): Yes, he is.
Fouad Bajwa: @Everyone - To check any recommendations in the spreadsheet, look at the status bar below the text and you will see tabs that can be used to browse the spreadsheet
Yaovi Atohoun: ok
Fouad Bajwa: Confluence helps ALAC really get strong in the way it works and communicates with RALO's and ALS across the world
Fouad Bajwa: It will help in collaboration through integrated working, consensus recording and scoring, access in one environment all the mailing list communications to display read only discussions
Fouad Bajwa: Cheryl is very right, this is a major change and improvement
Yaovi Atohoun: no
CLO: Thanks all
Yaovi Atohoun: bye
Seth Greene: Many thanks, all.
Fouad Bajwa: Bye all and thank you
Annalisa: Thank you for your time everyone.