At the 28 July 2016 RDS PDP WG F2F meeting, a group of WG members volunteered to draft a concise, tight problem statement, consistent with the PDP Final Issue Report and approved WG Charter.
Mailing List
The mailing list created for this drafting team to carry out this assignment is
The archive for this mailing list is available at
Draft Documents
A redlined draft RDS Problem Statement was distributed to the WG for review after the 17 August WG call:
This redlined draft has been progressed via WG email list discussion; the latest version is:
- RDS PDP WG Problem Statement - Clean 22 August - Ayden response to Chuck comments.pdf and
RDS PDP WG Problem Statement - Clean 22 August - Ayden response to Chuck comments.docx
Earlier team drafts and comments can also be found at this link:
The drafting team may choose to post additional documents in this workspace to collaborate with each other and share drafts with the full WG.