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ALAC ExCom Monday 07 May 2012
Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL),  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO), Alan Greenberg (AG,) Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ), Carlton Samuels (CS), Evan Leibovitch (EL)
Apologies: Rinalia Abdul Rahim
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Silvia Vivanco (SV), Matt Ashtiani (MA), Gisella Gruber (GG) and Nathalie Peregrine (NP)
Summary Notes and Action Items:
Roll call was held and agenda was adopted.
AIs were reviewed.
Policy Development was reviewed.
AG: Regarding the URS, we may wish to make a comment.
TBJ: I will take the lead on the FY13 Framework Statement
EL: The URS issue is potentially a HUGE one, especially if the budget concerns leads ICANN to water down the policy driven process to save cost
AG: We suggest that Staff come up eith their own proposal regarding the URS
OCL: IDN Revised Statement - We should send this to Edmon Chung but we must ensure there is enough time for the ALAC to comment on it 
TBJ: Perhpas we should ask Rinalia to do it
OCL: Let's forward it to her as well
Updates/reviews of the agendas for Prague were given by HU
CS: I am not in support of lapel pins
AG: I am not in support of lapel pins for all (just At-Large and friends), I suggest pens.
GG: The ALAC dinner may be on Monday
OCL: I have contacted Heather Dryden regarding the GAC-ALAC Meeting
EL: I maintain that the CCCI group is a sham that does not at ALL indicates the real interests of end users.
CLO: Regarding RoP, perhaps OCL would like to have a Q&A regarding new RoPs. To do so however, we will need to schedule it effectively. 
OCL: Do you think the RoP WG will have completed enough work to warrant a vote? 
CLO: Yes, I do. 
AG: ALAC may be tasked with educating the world, but we are not fully equipped to do so. 
EL: This is not a matter of us filling our purpose or not. We need greater control over resources to fulfil our mandate.
OCL: No meeting with the Regsitrants during the RRR WG, perhaps in Toronto
OCL: The SOI template will soon be completed. Ken Bour has agreed to help us. I think we should review the questions already in the template as they are GNSO related
CLO: I think we should maintain some of the questions already there
AG: I ask that the ALAC provide me with a Statement should the ALAC wish to make its position official. Otherwise, I will speak clearly on my own behalf. 
OCL: Alan, please note the ALAC and not A-Large.
AG: Stepahne may represent the GNSO Council at the Academy. 
AG: The IO/RC DT should be disbanded.
AI: Staff to send Alan the main points of the ICANN Academy. 
TBJ: Regarding the GNSO Council, we need a Councillor and not a volunteer. This will change their view of the Academy and the output of work by the Academy. 
AG: You will not have someone appointed to make decisions on the GNSO's behalf. 
TBJ: We are not looking for someone who can make a decision for the GNSO, we need a Councillor.
OCL: Regarding the IANA Contract renewal, I have receiver notice that the ontract is under renegotiation but that it is too sensitive to be fully discussed. 
OCL: Regarding the end of the Friday Meetings - I believe we need to wait for the full program to dteermine what the actual meeting schedule will look like. 
OCL: TAS Delay - Should the ALAC make a Statement
OCL: Regarding the Web Site update - is there anyone who would like to help with this effort?
AG: I am happy to review the effort 
CLO: We need to make sure our website is conforming to standards. I am happy to review the effort. 
HU: We are looking for regional representation.
OCL: I am happy to ask Dev, as he is the head of the TTF
TBJ: Every ALAC members should look for individuals. 
OCL: I suggest we ask that the ALAC all look for people from their RALOs, noting a deadline. 
HU: The RG member deadline is tomorrow. 
AG: I have joined the PDP WG. I have put my name in as vice chair. 

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