15 March 2022
Call not yet taken place
15 February 2022
No action Items recorded
25 January 2022
- Gisella Gruber GG – to send O&E meeting date – once set – to the EURALO Board (NOTE MEETING POSTPONED TO POST ICANN73)
- Find additional members for the O&E SC. Currently Natalia EURALO rep. (Sébastien sent out cal for volunteers)
QUESTION – any suggestion on traction from our Community?
- Filina Natalia Gisella Gruber call for volunteers for the SoMe group, the position of EURALO Co-Chair is empty
05 October 2021
No action items recorded
14 September 2021
- clement.genty to confirm his leadership on the EGAP to prepare the Virtual EURALO General Assembly
- ALS Mobilisation Topics - Roberto and Yrjö to identify which topics EURALO Members need to make decisions on.
- Gisella Gruberto set up the EURALO Board Elections 2021 page (completed - dates WORK IN PROGRESS)
- How to better communicate with our ALSes - Natalia to present a plan on next Board call.
- Sébastien and Adam to confirm 9 November read-out
- Bylaws @Lutz to send a reminder
18 May 2021 - ICANN71 Focused
11 May2021
- EURALO GTH 8 June - Board Members to record a brief thank you message to play at end of session.
- EURALO Social Event:
- Gisella Gruber Filina Nataliato set up wiki page with detailed agenda in script format.
- Gisella Gruberto request 30min extension for Social Event: 16:00-17:30 CEST (14:00-15:30 UTC) - no interpretation required
- Gisella Gruberto switch Joint AFRALO AfrICANN Session with EURALO Policy Session
- FY22 ABRs: there needs to be coordination with staff to ensure agreement on timetable and priorities.
- EURALO Board elections around GA in December.
- Call with candidates depending on outcome of elections
27 April 2021
- None recorded
6 April 2021
- FR EURALO ICANN70 Read Out: Gisella Gruberto work with GAC Staff on GAC Rep outstanding
- Gisella Gruberto set up an ICANN71 Events page on the main EURALO portal
12 January 2021
- sebastien.bacholletto invite Sandra Hoferichter to join the EURALO Board.
- sebastien.bachollet to contact Maté Mesté on how to become more active
- Olawale Bakare to prepare a spreadsheet for the ABRs
- Further to Sébastien's presentation, Board members to inform if any task-force/WGs missing, inform Staff and/or Sébastien
- Gisella Gruberto set up EURALO calls as per presentation, after having checked bank holidays etc, to set up the calls as placeholders. IN PROGRESS
- Gisella Gruber : Update on ICANN70 Readout dates - dates to be transferred to the main EURALO wiki page. IN PROGRESS
- Gisella Gruberto follow up with the EURALO General Assembly planning committee (EGAP) members on their acceptance, set up mailing list and Skype chats. IN PROGRESS.