Next Step
- Product Team & IT to work on the technical built-up for the site
- At-Large staff & community to develop content strategy and curate written content
- We may reuse some of the existing content, but will need to rewrite and create other content
- At-Large community need to take ownership of the site & get more community members involved
- The Website Revamp Taskforce will lay the foundation for the content development phase:
- Involve core communications staff
- Develop two types of outlines
- Broader outline that covers topics of each page
- Detailed outline that describes each individual topic
- Develop guidelines and templates for each individual topic
- Create example pages
- Critique existing content
- Form focused and selected editorial working group consisted of community members under the guidance of ICANN Comms Dept
- Finished product to be edited and polished by ICANN Comms Dept
- Launch beta site during ICANN 52 and give ample time to receive community feedback
Potential Workload
This table illustrates the potential workload for developing written content for the revamped At-Large website. The pages highlighted in yellow have most of the written work to do.
Page Title | Content Type | Number |
Homepage | General Content | 1 |
Blurb | 4 | |
News & Media | Page Introduction | 1 |
Taxonomy List | 6 | |
Calendar | Page Introduction | 1 |
Taxonomy List | 4 | |
Topics | Page Introduction | 1 |
Blurb | 16 | |
Topic Overview | General Content | 16 |
Relevant Resource | 16 | |
Policy Advice | Page Introduction | 1 |
Taxonomy List | 5 | |
Policy Advice Statement | Background Information | TBC |
Taxonomy List | 3 | |
What We Do | Page Introduction | 1 |
Blurb | 9 | |
General Content | 3 | |
Get Involved | Page Introduction | 1 |
General Content | 26 | |
Blurb | 26 |