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Themes of the Break-out groups

1. The future of multistakeholderism

2. The globalization of ICANN

3. Global Internet: The User Perspective

4. ICANN Transparency and Accountability

5. At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN


   ATLAS II and ALAC Schedule - 9 May 2014 / PLEASE NOTE THIS SCHEDULE BELOW IS NOT UPDATED. Please see the full agenda here.




Last update on 9 May 2014

Saturday 21 June 2014   
09:00-10:30Introduction and setting the scene (Plenary) attended by all the SO and AC Chairs1 X 200Interpretation   
      > Welcome addresses by:     
              - ALAC Chair     
              - Board Director selected by ALAC     
              - Board Chair     
              - CEO     
      > Summit introduction by the ATLAS II Co-Chairs     
      > Housekeeping announcement including Ground rules, Room assignment for each group, etc.     
10:30–11:00Coffee break     
11:00–13:00Plenary: Update on the current worldwide discussion about the future of the Internet Governance and Multi-Stakeholder model (Montevideo declaration, Brazil meeting, /1Net initiative, etc.)1 X 200Interpretation   
13:00–15:00Lunch break      
13:00-15:00Orientation Meeting of ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program Interpretation   
15:00–18:00Break-out parallel sessions (one group per issue)5 X 501 rooms with interpretation EN/Fr and another EN/Sp
18:00 - 18:30Plenary: Briefing of the day1 X 200Interpretation   
19:00-21:00ATLAS II Dinner (Sponsored Dinner  - TBC)off siteschuttle   
Sunday 22 June 2014   
07:00-08:00ALAC Leadership Team and ccNSO Leadership Working Breakfast (TBC)1x15Catered Breakfast  
08:00–10:30Break-out parallel sessions (one group per issue)5 X 501 rooms with interpretation EN/Fr and another EN/Sp
10:30–11:00Coffee break     
11:00–13:00Break-out parallel sessions (one group per issue)5 X 501 rooms with interpretation EN/Fr and another EN/Sp
13:00–15:00Lunch break (Sponsored Lunch at Paddington Hotel)     
15:00–16:30Break-out parallel sessions (one group per issue)5 X 501 rooms with interpretation EN/Fr and another EN/Sp
16:30–17:00Coffee break     
17:00–18:30Plenary: Briefing about the groups sessions1 X 200Interpretation   
Monday 23 June 2014   
08:30–10:00Welcome & President's Opening Session     
10:00–10:30Coffee break     
10:30–12:30Multi-Stakeholder roundtable1x200Interpretation   
12:30 - 14:30Lunch Break     
14:30–17:30ALAC and Regional leadership working sessionsALAC roomInterpretation   
Tuesday 24 June 2014   
07:30-08:25SO / AC Chairs addressing the ATLAS II participants (Part 1)1 X 200Interpretation   
08:30-9:30Board with At-Large      
10:00 - 10:30Coffee Break     
10:30 - 11:30ALAC meeting with the GAC (TBC) Interpretation   
12:30–14:30Lunch break     
12:30-14: 30 NARALO General Assembly1 X 35    
12:30-14:30EURALO General Assembly1 X 40    
14:30-16:00ALAC Policy Discussion Part 1ALAC RoomInterpretation   
16:30–18:30ALAC Policy Discussion Part 2ALAC RoomInterpretation   
19:30 - 21:30Fayre of OpportunitiesSandringham Room    
Wednesday 25 June 2014   
08:00-08:55SO / AC Chairs addressing the ATLAS II participants (Part 2)1 X 200Interpretation   
09:00–12:00LACRALO General AssemblyALAC RoomInterpretation   
10:00-10:30Coffee Break     
11:00 - 13:00APRALO General Assembly1 X 40    
13:00–14:30Lunch Break     
14:00–15:00AFRALO - AfrICANN Joint meetingALAC RoomInterpretation   
15:00–17:00AFRALO General AssemblyALAC RoomInterpretation   
15:00-15:30Coffee Break     
17:00 - 19:00ATLAS Thematic Groups SME, Moderators and Reporters Meeting for Harmonization of the Reports and Compilation1 X 15    
19:30-23:30Gala at Old Billingsgate (shuttles leave at 19:00)     
Thursday 26 June 2014   
07:00–10:00Final ATLAS II session: Approval of the final document(s) (Catered Breakfast for ATLAS II)1 X 200Interpretation   
10:00-10:30Coffee Break     
12:00-13:00ALAC Wrap Up Meeting (Boxed Lunch for ALAC and Regional Leaders)1 X 200Interpretation   
15:30-16:00Coffee Break     
16:00-18:00Public Forum and Board meeting     
18:00–19:00Public Board Meeting & Presentation of the ATLAS report(s)     
Friday 27 June 2014   
08:00–11:00ALT meeting1 X 15    
















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