- IGO Work Track ALAC reps (Carlos Raul Gutierrez and Yrjo Lansipuro) to provide regular updates to the CPWG. Note: Alternates are Justine Chew and Vanda Scartezini.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to mark Recommendations for ICANN’s Root Name Service Strategy and Implementation as No Statement.
- Justine Chew and yrjo.lansipuro to work on brief for GAC related to minority positions (re: SubPro).
- TBC: Justine Chew and small team: ALAC (Minority) Statement deadline of 6 January; ALAC advice target: 17 December.
- Alan Greenberg and hadia.elminiawi to discuss Priority 2 Policy Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration from EPDP Phase 2 during next CPWG.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 16 December at 13 UTC.
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