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Issue 9 Work Track Leader(s): Heidi Ullrich and Evin Erdoğdu

Issue 9 - Need for increased At-Large Community awareness and staff training regarding the use of social media

Status: Completed (July 2019)

Final Proposal as approved by the Board

The ALAC will request additional staff skill development in the area of social media, and to work cooperatively with ICANN Communications social media specialists.


2:2:2 (Medium needs : Medium risk :  2nd priority)

ARIWG comments

This task is related to Activity Item #8 about using social media to assist At-Large with its outreach attempts to attract more participants into our policy development areas and how we can do this more effectively. Also linked to Capacity Building Program as a transversal objective to build O&E, besides disseminating information.

Regional members produce newsletters about local regional events and issues. At-Large policy inputs into these monthly information sheets from the CPWG would ensure a consistent information pathway to better understanding of the status of relevant policy advice from the At-Large community.

ICANN communication specialists are unfortunately not social media specialists.  ARIWG agrees there is a need to well-designed capacity building program for staff only on social media engagements.  Noting the need for communications experts who don't speak ICANNese and who can package the message in a way that the end user can relate to it.  

June 2019:

This Issue is almost completely implemented at the time of writing this report and will be completed by the beginning of the ICANN Marrakech meeting, (*23rd June is the Training date involving ICANN Staff beyond those in support of At-Large, the topics to be covered in this general Social Media Training for relevant ICANN Staff is appended to this report for reference. Costs and expenditure for this training are covered in a budget outside of that for At-Large/Policy or ARI specific requests.) Thus, it is reported as substantially completed/complete. A report of the training and note of any measurables for ongoing success in the training or review points will be added to the Issue Wiki page in due course.

Status of improvement effort / staff lead

Status: Completed (July 2019)

If resourcing for specialist staff training can be sourced, then it is proposed that such training be complemented at the next At-Large Staff Face to Face meeting opportunity early in 2019 / Heidi Ullrich is staff lead with Evin Erdogdu.

Comms Staff have confirmed a f2f training session for At-Large staff and any interested Policy staff will take place during ICANN65.  

Heidi Ullrich and Evin Erdoğdu worked losely with relevant ICANN Communications Staff on implementing a f2f training at ICANN65.

Topics covered in training:

  • How to Tweet - Tweeting pointers, ICANN formatting for Tweets, use of Buffer
  • Facebook posts - how to share, ICANN formatting for posts
  • Blogs - Writing and posting effective blogs
  • Creation of related accounts and practice sharing on ICANN Twitter etc.
  • Key points for developing an effective At-Large staff SM strategy

Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation


Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other?

ICANN Organisation.

Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools)

In-Service Training modules selection to cover this topic either through a series of webinars or staff Face to Face meeting opportunity.

Expected budget implications

This would likely be funded and managed internally, depending on aims and objectives set.

Proposed implementation steps:

  1. At-Large Social Media WG to define training aims and objectives.

  2. Training to be organized for implementation either via teleconferences or a f2f session at an ICANN meeting.


  1. Completion of Training Program

  2. Evidence of At-Large Staff improved and effective Social Media activities.

How long will it take to implement this plan?

Once resourced this should be implemented within the next 3-6 months.

Issue 9 Progress Chart

NOTE: the example Dashboard Report from WS2 of ICANN Accountability CCWG is an exemplar of the TYPE of dashboard/reporting that we recommend be utilised for reporting ARIWG progress to the ICANN Community as well as for inclusion in aggregated terms to the regular reporting /update to the OEC biannually.

The At-Large Review Implementation dashboard aims to update the ICANN Community about the progress of the work of the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG).



Status and Comments


Social Meeting Skills 

Completed and Ongoing

At-Large Staff have been trained on the basics of Social Media, including Tweeting, Facebook and the writing and publishing of blogs. Staff gained skills, knowledge and confidence in the use of Social Media tools. As time allows, staff will put their skills into practice. 

Insert figure 8 from ARI Final report


Social Media Training 


Social Media Training for At-Large Staff and other interested ICANN Staff took place at the ICANN65 Meeting. 

The Training Session covered the following items:  

  1. Social Media Training
    1. Overview of Social Media
    2. What Makes an Effective Tweet
    3. What Makes an Effective Facebook Tweet
    4. How to Post a Tweet
    5. How to Publish a Facebook Post
    6. How to Measure the Effectiveness of you Social Media
    7. How to Amplify your Social Media Post
    8. Exercise - Practical application
  2. Blog Session
    1. Why is Good Writing Important
    2. Policy Blog Homework Review
    3. What is Your Goal? Who is your Audience? 
    4. Basics of Good Writing
    5. Editing and Re-Writing
    6. ICANN Resources
    7. ICANN Style Guide
    8. How to Write a Blog
    9. How to Get a Blog Published on


At-Large Staff prepare preparatory materials for social media training course


In advance of the Social Media training course to take place on 23 June 2019, At-Large staff prepare two preparatory assignments. 

  1. Blog Writing Assignment

Utilizing the ICANN Style Guide for Written Content and Blog Guidelines, please write a blog (300-500 words) on a topic related to your area of work and expertise. Explain, in plain language, what is important for the community to learn about this topic, and why they should know about it.

2.  Proofing Assignment

Utilizing the ICANN Style Guide for Written Content and Announcement Guidelines, please copy edit the attached announcement for grammar and spelling, and rewrite as necessary.


Consultation with Communications staff on content for social media and blog training


Staff Social Media Training arranged for 23 June ahead of formal first day of ICANN65. See draft agenda:


Project Planning between At-Large and Communications Staff


At-Large and Communications staff discuss request, its aims and objectives and prepare a plan for the implementation and execution of the training.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Training to be organized for implementation either via teleconferences or a f2f session at an ICANN meeting.


  1. Completion of Training Program

  2. Evidence of At-Large Staff improved and effective Social Media activities.

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