ACTION: Olivier to re-send his mindmap from 29 November
WS2 -- concensus on document moving forward
WS1 --
The Continuity & Contingency Plan is confidential. For a more fulsome response to questions on obtaining the Contingency Plan,
please submit a request through
ICANN’s Documentary Information Disclosure Policy, available at https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/didp-2012-02-25-en.
Is the plan satisfactory? The group wants access to help determine whether the plan is satifactory or not, and see what needs to be adjusted in future proposal.
ACTION: Robert and grace to connect offline regarding DIDP
Timeline & Task list
ACTION: all to assist in providing additional details to task list
- ACTION: all to go through the list to remove elements that don't belong and add issues that do. (Siva has recirculated document)
- ACTION: Olivier to re-send his mindmap from 29 November
- ACTION: Robert and grace to connect offline regarding DIDP
- ACTION: all to assist in providing additional details to task list
- Add Jaap and Steve to RFP4 mailing list
- Grace to update Robert's slides before posting
The transcript is available here:
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p7hsyitmz3n/
The audio recording is available here: https://icann.box.com/shared/static/czjs8488vm6k9wdq8zw6.mp3
Documents Presented
RFP 4 - December 29-2014-DRAFT1.pdf
RFP 4 - December 29-2014-DRAFT1.pptx
Siva's Stress Tests Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QVC12Q-NuB35pyaBirUDF85DBR_oFHkEYC5vbWu04go/edit?usp=sharing
RFP 4 -Transition implications-Work Stream 2-Dec16.pdf
RFP 4 -Transition implications-Work Stream 2-Dec16.docx
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: Good Day Everyone! Welcome to the RFP4 conference call on Monday, Dec 29 at 21:00 UTC.