Agenda RFP 4 Call -- 23 December at 14:00 UTC
1. Work stream #1: Describing the current situation
- 1.1 Review of existing ICANN/IANA Technical proposal (available @ http://www.n2a.doc.gov/files/n2a/publica2ons/ icann_volume_i_elecsub_part_1_of_3.pdf )
- 1.2 Discussion of using table of contents from ICANN/IANA Technical proposal as a templete to develop text on how this will change depending on RFP 3 ( Contract Co. <-> all internal, inclusion of IAP etc. ).
- 1.3 Identify relevant terms in the ICANN proposal as well
AGENDA ITEM FROM Co-Chair / Robert :
- I ask for comments on 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 please. Lack of comments, will be interpreted as consensus to proceed using the existing ICANN/IANA Technical proposal as a template.
2. Work Stream #2: Describing the transition path
- 2.1 Discussion occurred on how to describe the transition path for the different proposals from RFP 3
- 2.2 Draft text was presented on how to describe change
- 2.3 Transition path for alternate proposals (ie. ALAC)
AGENDA ITEM FROM Co-Chair / Robert :
- 2.1 & 2.2 Is there any comment on ways to best ways describe the transition changes. A draft text was presented. Is there a consensus on using that as a format? Are there elements missing? Should a summary of changes be presented in some way?
- 2.3. Ask for update from ALAC an others who are suggesting/proposing alternate proposals and how (or not) they are including details on transition path from existing contract to new one.
3. Work Stream #3: Testing the new proposal
- 3.1 Need to document and discuss risks/treats and issues that might arise to maintain security & stability
AGENDA ITEM FROM Co-Chair / Robert :
- 3.1 Ask that discussion start on the list and continue on the call on Dec 23 on compiling a list of risks/threats. Ask for feedback from everyone on the call tomorrow, especially those with security/stability (ie. ssac) expertise and others.. After call, will ask for staff to summarize the threats mentioned and how proposals might be tested.
- 3.2 Need to develop (detailed) list of key periods where testing of proposals is needed. Mention that “transition period” is a critical period where specific and detailed tests will need to be conducted.
AGENDA ITEM FROM Co-Chair / Robert :
- 3.2 adding on what mentioned in 3.1, ask that conversation take place on the list and on the call on Dec 23 to develop a list of key periods where proposal should be tested (& how)
4. Review of timeline
5. Next steps (next call, etc)
Next call is scheduled for Monday Dec 29, 21:00 UTC
Notes RFP 4 Sub-WG group 23 December 2014
Welcome and Roll call
Previous Call Items
Notes & Action Items
Welcome and Roll call
Previous Call Items: Action from last call: "Jaap to follow up with KIm Davies" --> done. Jaap will post URL: http://www.iana.org/help/nameserver-requirements
Workstreams agreed previous call
Workstream 1
- Agenda item for this call Comments on Workstream 1 as proposed: No comments
Workstream 2
- Agenda item for this call included in slides, comments on work item 2: No comments.
- Update ALAC proposal: question is transition path included?
- Proposal submitted in public comment process. Olivier identified several alternative proposals submitted. As to timetable under discussion by ALAC.
- MM: Inherent problem ICANN internal solution relies on output CCWG Accountability and are subject to Board vote .
- OCB: Timetable ALAC will include schedule of CCWG.
- Accountability work is closely linked to Stewardship work, in particular Workstream 1 of CCWG.
- In addition NTIA indicated it will not move forward without clarity around accountability.
Coordinator, Need to capture critical elements of transition paths:
How to proceed: are there common elements in transition paths for all proposals?
No comments
Timelines RFP 4
- Presented by staff
- Current timeline does not include any alternatives.
- Question for ALAC members to draft high level time line to be included.
- To discuss timeline with his colleagues and send result to the mailing list
Suggestion to focus tasks that needs to be handled.
CAll for volunteersCall for volunteers.
Action staff: circulate call for volunteers to further elaborate tasks list
Action all: eleoborate tasks list in preparation of next call.
In particular those who are proposing alternate proposals are requested to look at tasks that need to handled.
Worskstream 3
- Agenda item for today: Identify threats and risks.
- SSAC member focused on technical risks. Note this group focuses on process risks.
- Risk: issues may get stuck in bureaucracy-> delay and therefore may become a technical risk
- Suggestion to do a systematic risk analysis.
- Interaction between IANA/ICANN, NTIA and Verisign, simple administrative. By creating different layers and levels, communictions may become burdensome
- Build on contingencies already identified in CCWG Accountability Area 4.
- Includes general risk management categories are used:
- Business threats other specific risks.
- Suggestion to do a compilation of risks
- Note: some of the risks are not related to transition.
- Realty factor (possibility) is very low.
- Raising policy issues in an administrative function may be overrated.
- List of test identified.
Action staff aggregate the threats / risk list
Action Members Categorise elements on that list in:
- Out of scope of this group
- Should be included as risk/stress test item
Next call 29 December 21.00 UTC
· Close of the CALL AT 15.03 UTC
Action Items
Transcript RFP 4 Meeting #4 23-Dec.doc
The audio recording is available here: https://icann.box.com/shared/static/6no6506i4cxhxe6uykvh.mp3
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Brenda Brewer: Welcome to the RFP 4 Call on Tuesday, December 23 at 14:00 UTC