Mtg Date Action Action Owner Due Date Action Complete Status 33
Mtg Date Action Action Owner Due Date Action Complete Status 33 Mtg Date Action Action Owner Due Date Action Complete Status #33 Substitution analysis paper :
Jordyn to work on additional language based on recent shared figures (attached) ICANN org to filter open TLDs from concatenation spreadsheets and share with subteam Jordyn to confirm whether it should discussed on next subteam or plenay call
IN PROGRESS 30 Rec 13, 15, 33 : Jordyn to consolidate registrant survey recommendations, and send it to the review team. To be discussed on a plenary call. Jordyn Nov 22 IN PROGRESS 29 Rec 13, 15, 33 : Jordyn to consolidate registrant survey recommendations.
Jordyn Nov 15 IN PROGRESS ...
COMPLETE #33 Rec 11, 13, 15 ,33 : Jordyn and Laureen to draft consolidated recommendation, and to include it for discussion on next plenary call agenda
Jordyn, Laureen COMPLETE
33 #33 Rec 9 :
Waudo to update recommendation 9 to reflect public comments received. Jordyn to provide input on this. Updated version to be included on next plenary call agenda Waudo/Jordyn COMPLETE
33 #33 Rec 5 :
Based on Kaili's previous suggestion, Jordyn to cite 0.3% defensive registration and for details link it to section 4.3. Updated version to be included on next plenary call agenda Jordyn COMPLETE
32 #32 Waudo to write a text on how defensive registrations were "not useful and a sunk cost" (in reply to INTA's public comment on rec.9), Jordyn to find and add a footnote for one or more statements from the community who raised concern that the "new gtld program would break the internet, and trademark holders."
32 #32 ICANN org to liaise with Tech Services about generating TLD concatenation spreadsheets. Jordyn to write up analysis of spreadsheet data when complete.
31 #31 ICANN org to address Jordyn's request on data on competition for generic vs. specific domain names.
31 #31 Include the Substitution Analysis and Recommendation 5 for discussion on the plenary call.
30 #30 Rec 11 : Megan to review recommendation and update rationale
Megan Nov 22 OVERDUE
30 #30 "frustrate" : Jordyn to revise recommendations language based on Waudo's suggestion to replace "frustrate
" "
Jordyn Nov 22 COMPLETE #30 Rec 13, 15, 33 : Jordyn to consolidate registrant survey recommendations, and send it to the review team. To be discussed on a plenary call. Jordyn Nov 22 COMPLETE #29 Rec 13, 15, 33 : Jordyn to consolidate registrant survey recommendations.
Jordyn Nov
22 27 Nov 2017 29 #29 Rec 7-8, 9 : Consolidation to be submitted on plenary call
29 #29 Rec 2, 3, 4, 6 : Jordyn to update rationale
Jordyn Nov 15 COMPLETE
29 #29 Rec 11 : Megan to review recommendation and update rationale
Megan Nov 15 OVERDUE
29 #29 Rec 10 : Jordyn to update details and success measures
Jordyn Nov 15 COMPLETE
29 #29 Rec. 12 : Dejan to update Details & Success Measures, To: field: change ICANN Org with GNSO
Dejan Nov 15 COMPLETE
29 #29 Changes to findings : Public comment review process to be discussed on leadership meeting.
CCT Leadership Nov 15 COMPLETE
28 #28 Jordyn to provide Waudo with minor edits on his updated recommendation.
Jordyn Aug 30 COMPLETE
27 #27 Complete the analysis of Rec. 9
Waudo Aug 24 COMPLETE
27 8/ Parking paper to be discussed on tomorrow's plenary call
Jordyn/Jonathan Aug 24 COMPLETE
26 8/ .NET increased prices / Parking paper: Share revised version
Jonathan Aug 18 COMPLETE
26 8/ Rec 2-3: Review the supporting text in the body of the report to make sure it's consistent with the revised recommendation.
Jordyn Aug 24 COMPLETE
26 8/ Rec 9: Waudo to review recommendation and submit edits.
Aug 24 26 8/ Rec. 10 & 40: Jordyn to follow up with David.
Jordyn/David Aug 24 COMPLETE
26 8/ Rec. 11: Follow up with ICANN Org on previous plenary call discussion
Jordyn/Megan Aug 24 OVERDUE
26 8/ Rec. 12: Review the supporting text in the body of the report to make sure it's consistent with the revised recommendation.
Jordyn Aug 24
Sept , 26 8/ Rec. 7-8: Dejan to add reference to LAC Study in recommendation 7
Dejan Aug 24 , 2017
17, 26 8/ Rec 9: Waudo to review recommendation and submit edits.
Waudo Aug 24 , 2017
23, 8/17 26 #26 .NET increased prices / Parking paper: Share revised version
Jonathan Aug 18 , 2017
22, 8/9 25 #25 Jonathan to revise the “p46 document- .NET increased prices ” based on Waudo's previous edits. Jonathan Aug 17 , 2017
. 7, 8/9 25 #25 Rec 9: Waudo to look into revising the recommendation. Waudo Aug 17 , 2017
30, 8/9 25 #25 Rec 10: Jordyn to liaise with David on whether the recommendation should be consolidated with recommendation 40. Jordyn to look into possible consolidation of rec 9 and 10. Jordyn/David Aug 17 , 2017
23, 8/9 25 8/9 #25 Rec 11: Jordyn to follow up with Megan on the revision. Jordyn Aug 17 , 2017 OVERDUE
25 #25 ICANN org to share previous work made on price caps, and confirm whether there was a mechanism for registries to increase price caps that CCTRT didn’t use.
ICANN org Aug 17 , 2017
10, 8/9 25 #25 Jonathan to revise the “p46 document-.NET increased prices” based on Waudo's previous edits. Jonathan Aug 17 , 2017
23, 8/9 25 #25 Recs 7 & 8: Dejan to consolidate recs 7 & 8 and revise the text based on Jordyn's input. Dejan Aug 17 , 2017
8, 8/9 25 #25 Rec 9: Waudo to look into revising the recommendation. Waudo Aug 17 , 2017
23, 8/9 25 #25 Rec. 12: Dejan to revise reccommendation Dejan Aug 17 , 2017
17, 24 7/ Send follow-up email to obtain perspective on whether language on contractual obligations and policy development needed.
Jordyn Aug 9 , 2017 OVERDUE
24 7/ Make first pass at recommendation 12 edits Dejan Aug 9 , 2017
8, 24 7/ Send analysis of public comment for assigned recs
Megan Aug 1 , 2017
2, 23 7/ - Rec 1: Jonathan to rewrite the recommendation and circulate with the subgroup before next call.
- Rec 2-3: Jordyn to rewrite the two recommendations based on feedback received from RySG
July 19 , 2017
2, 9, 7/5 22 #22 All to review papers/recommendations and propose revisions (based on ICANN59 ftof meeting action items) before the next competition sub group call:
- Rec 1 : Jonathan - Rec 2, 3, 4, 5 : Jordyn - Rec 6 : Megan - Rec 7 : Dejan - Rec 8 : Dejan - Rec 9 : Megan - Rec 10 : Jordyn - Rec 11 : Megan - Rec 12 : Dejan - Jordyn to reach out to Megan on updating recommendations.
ALL July 12 , 2017
July , 19 9/ Jordyn to follow up with Laureen on number of disputes Jordyn ASAP COMPLETE
19 9/ Jonathan to send Stan sources on blocking Jonathan, Stan ASAP COMPLETE
19 9/ Jordyn to follow up with Laureen on number of disputes Jordyn ASAP CLOSED
19 9/ Jonathan to send Stan sources on blocking Jonathan, Stan ASAP COMPLETE
19 9/ Megan, Dejan, Eleeza to discuss ccTLD/gTLD policy offline Megan, Dejan, Eleeza TBD per schedules 1 COMPLETE
19 9/ Send suggestions to Stan and Jordyn on their write-ups. Objective to have discussion on next plenary cal All ASAP COMPLETE
19 9/ Jordyn to start high-level team write up for plenary call next week Jordyn by Sept 28 COMPLETE
19 9/ Jordyn to check with Waudo on projects Jordyn, Waudo ASAP COMPLETE
19 9/ Eleeza to ask Analylsis Group to review chart in Stan's paper Eleeza ASAP 1 COMPLETE
19 9/ Jordyn to follow up with remaining assignments Jordyn, All ASAP COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Add to metric 2.11: Number of registrants in new gTLDs vs. number of registrants in legacy gTLDs. Do we have whois data for legacy gTLD registrations? ? 1 COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Add to Metric 2.7: Replicate the chart for Oct. 2013 for all legacy gTLDs. For each legal regime, add in parenthetical the count of IDN tld’s contracted in that legal regime. Including description of WHOIS sample methodology. ? 1 COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Add to Metric 2.6: Number of launched IDNs and number of launched total new gTLDs per each month in the table on the page. ? 1 COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Provide denominators for relevant TLDs in project 4.3. i.e. What % of all registrations in .BERLIN/residents of Berlin Jordyn COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Correlation between number of registrars and registrations per TLD. Exclude TLDs with less than 100 registrations Analysis Group 1 COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30Vienna Determine if RR price dispersion in the new gTLDs significantly different than in the new gTLDs Analysis Group ASAP
8/29-30Vienna Add frequency distribution, other stats, plus number of registrations in TLDs registrar competition project Analysis Group ASAP
8/29-30 Add to TM string list, in how many TLDs is a string registered, irrespective of who the registrant is? Also, add 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles. Provide histograms. Analysis Group ASAP 1 COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Remove .BRANDS from TM string registration analysis table and include in a separate line. Analysis Group ASAP 1 COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30Vienna Compare TLD volumes to prices. Are larger TLDs (by registrations) cheaper? Analysis Group ASAP
8/29-30Vienna Determine if RR price dispersion in the new gTLDs significantly different than in the new gTLDs? Analysis Group ASAP
8/29-30 Inquire about actual wholesale prices for legacy gTLDs Analysis Group ASAP 1 COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Add to Project 1 table, 6-month intervals, as well as a line on launched TLDs Analysis Group ASAP COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Calculate average wholesale prices for single-string vs. multi-string ROs Analysis Group ASAP COMPLETE
Vienna 8/29-30 Double-check numbers of registrations in new gTLDs that were available in COM Staff, Jordyn ASAP 1 COMPLETE
16 08/08/10 Send note to list to gauge interest in further discussion with Analysis Group Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
16 #16 Put together grid mapping projects to hypotheses and make tentative project assignments, following up with team members to get work done Jordyn ASAP COMPLETE
15 07/ Discuss writing up findings from projects related to registry policies Jordyn, Dejan ASAP OVERDUE
15 07/ Forward spreadsheet Dejan authored to Analysis Group and obtain input Jordyn ASAP COMPLETE
15 07/ Prepare nTLD stats proposal Jordyn ASAP 1 COMPLETE
15 07/ Look at gTLD zones files and ccTLD zone files and determine whether additional ccTLD zone files can be added ? ASAP 1 COMPLETE
15 07/07/27 Provide Analysis Group with back-end provider information on legacy gTLDs Eleeza ASAP 1 COMPLETE
15 #15 Provide list of Spec 13 (.BRAND) and ROCC exempt gTLDs, as well as whether delegated TLDs have launched or not Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
15 07/ Start separate thread on translating projects into templates for report Jordyn, Jonathan,
15 07/ Flag any items missing from Google doc All ASAP COMPLETE
14 07/ Reach out to Domain Tools to determine whether there is data on ccTLD regions that could be used Jonathan ASAP COMPLETE
14 07/ Coordinate on reaching out to Nominet Jordyn, Dejan ASAP 1 COMPLETE
14 07/ Data enquiries with registries Dejan ASAP COMPLETE
14 07/ Contact Stan to request if can circulate statistical validity of NTLD stats proposal Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
14 07/ Send available results to subteam Analysis Group ASAP 1 COMPLETE
14 07/ Produce a template for new vs legacy gTLDs markets
14 07/ Produce plan of action and timeline of actions Jordyn, Stan, Staff 07/26 COMPLETE
14 07/ Review voluntary PICS table and determine if can be translated into Jonathan's template Dejan ASAP COMPLETE
13 06/ Clarify AG methodology and AG to identify what is missing to conduct work Analysis Group, Waudo, Megan, Jordyn, Dejan ASAP 1 COMPLETE
13 06/ Hold call with NTLD stats Jonathan, Jordyn, Megan, Stan ASAP 1 COMPLETE
13 06/ Define what parking is and narrow down data Jordyn ASAP 1 COMPLETE
13 06/ Submit research data All 07/15 1 COMPLETE
13 06/ Ask AG to add set of brands to existing data Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
13 06/ Take on comparison of map and empty cells and determine if there are significant gaps. Find missing data wherever possible Dejan ASAP 1 COMPLETE
13 06/06/29 Discuss ccTLD data with Nominet All ASAP 0 OVERDUE
13 #13 Coordinate on 2.5 project Staff, Jonathan ASAP 1 COMPLETE
12 06/12 Coordinate on getting request to Sedo or GoDaddy on "Compare pricing vs. single-string ROs and multi-string ROs"
Staff, Jordyn ASAP
06/ Define what is meant by open ccTLDs Jordyn ASAP 1 COMPLETE
12 06/ Circulate google search list Jordyn ASAP 1 COMPLETE
12 06/ Conduct price change analysis on legacy gTLDs 3 years prior to the introduction of new gTLDs and then 3 years after Analysis Group ASAP 1 COMPLETE
12 06/ Determine how to make calculations on parked vs. non-parked domains All ASAP 1 COMPLETE
12 06/12 Determine whether feasible to calculate the price versus the HHI All ASAP
06/ Work with staff on defining the policies that should be researched, as well as what TLDs to include in sample
12 06/ Raise TMCH user satisfaction question with INTA Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
12 06/ Discuss how to get data from Zooknic. Reach out to NTLD stats and enquire whether feasible and could speak to group on next call
Jordyn, Jonathan, Eleeza ASAP 1 COMPLETE
12 06/ Enquire if analysis of data on what SLDs are registered in what domains is feasible
11 /06-07 Find ccTLD registration data for ccTLDs not represented in the CENTR data set Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
11 /06-07 Write up paragraphs on individual projects and add to master Google document All ASAP 1 COMPLETE
10 05/ Send comments on Stan's proposed market definition Topic area subteam members ASAP 1 COMPLETE
10 05/ Firm up definitions and market segmentation that can be used to conduct analysis All 06/06-07 1 COMPLETE
10 05/ Advise on project list feasibility Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
10 05/ Send in comments (addition analysis/projects) on project list Subteam members 06/01 1 COMPLETE
09 05/ Use existing tools and complete sanity check using registrar data Analysis Group ASAP 1 COMPLETE
09 05/ Refine work plan to highlight completion steps Staff ASAP 1 COMPLETE
09 05/ Settle discussion around plausible definitions for markets All 06/06-07 0 OVERDUE
09 05/ Appointed Rapporteur of subteam for Markets based on topic area. Put together definition and report whether there are any additional topics groups for TLDs needed besides Analysis Group's topics Stan ASAP COMPLETE
09 05/ Appointed Rapporteur of subteam for Markets based on geography subteam. Put together definition. Waudo ASAP COMPLETE
09 05/ Appointed Rapporteur of subteam for Markets based on language subteam. Put together definition. Dejan ASAP COMPLETE
09 05/ Send a list of Chinese ASCII TLDs to the language group to consider including in the Chinese language group Jordyn ASAP COMPLETE
09 05/ Identify resource for geographic/language data Staff ASAP COMPLETE
09 05/05/11 Circulate written updates in advance of plenary call that captures progress. Read-out on next plenary call. Dejan, Waudo, Stan ASAP 0 OVERDUE
09 #09 Work on identifying details of projects Stan, Jordyn ASAP 1 COMPLETE
08 04/ Use NTLD site to identify trends and make initial hypothesis; use ICANN data sources to confirm / refine data
08 04/ Send to Jordyn or add to g-doc any suggested data sources All ASAP COMPLETE
07 04/ Review data inventory and give Jordyn input All ASAP COMPLETE
06 03/ Populate google doc with additional data (e.g. dates) All ASAP COMPLETE
06 03/ Look into CENTR record for ccTLD data All ASAP 1 COMPLETE
06 03/ Send email to Jordyn for any suggested data elements or suggestions on how to structure data or make changes directly in g-doc
06 03/ Add a question on comparing registry's intended audience with their current customers or business practices
06 03/ Send feedback on mockup spreadsheet Stan ASAP COMPLETE
06 03/ Working model for data analysis - address requests individually