C&CC Meeting #13 - 29 June

C&CC Meeting #13 - 29 June


Team:  Dejan Djukic, Stan Besen, Megan Richards, Jordyn Buchanan, Kaili Kan, Waudo Siganga, Jonathan Zuck

Observers: /

Guests: Drew Bagley

Staff:  Alice Jansen, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Brenda Brewer, Eleeza Agopian

Apologies:  /


Chat:  EN

Transcript:  EN


  • ACTION ITEM - Clarify AG methodology (potentially on a call). AG to identify what is missing to conduct work. 
  • ACTION ITEM - Schedule a call with ntldstats for next week (Jonathan, Jordyn, Megan, Stan) 
  • ACTION ITEM - Define what parking is and narrow down parking data. Jordyn to send draft to Team
  • ACTION ITEM -  Ask AG or ICANN staff to add Interbrand set of brands to their existing trademark set
  • ACTION ITEM - Research and data requests need to be submitted by July 15 
  • ACTION ITEM - Dejan to take on comparaison of map and the empty cells and see if there are any significant gaps in the empty cell. Dejan to find missing data for cells wherever possible.
  • ACTION ITEM - Discuss ccTLD data with Nominet
  • ACTION ITEM - Eleeza and Jordyn to coordinate on 2.5 project