C&CC Meeting #12 - 15 June
C&CC Meeting #12 - 15 June
Review Team Members: Jordyn Buchanan, Kaili Kan, Stan Besen, Waudo Siganga, Dejan Djukic, Megan Richards
Staff: Alice Jansen, Antonietta Mangiacotti, enda Brewer, Eleeza Agopian, Karen Mulberry, Margie Milam, Pamela Smith
Apologies: Jonathan Zuck
Guest: Greg Rafert (Analysis Group)
Observers: Susan Payne
- Review Project list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13FhLr8tdVfs-_m9KZpMmc3UAetpGZhmzdE35PysEUZM/edit
Chat: EN
Transcript: EN
- ACTION ITEM - Eleeza and Jordyn to coordinate on getting request to Sedo or GoDaddy on "Compare pricing vs. single-string ROs and multi-string ROs"
- ACTION ITEM - Define what we mean by open ccTLDs
- ACTION ITEM - Jordyn to circulate google search list
- ACTION ITEM - Analysis Group to do price change analysis on legacy gTLDs three changes three years prior to the introduction of new gTLDs and then three years after
- ACTION ITEM - Determine how to make calculations on parked vs. non-parked domains
- ACTION ITEM - Determine whether feasible to calculate the price versus the HHI.
- ACTION ITEM - Dejan to work with staff on defining the policies that should be researched, as well as what TLDs to include in sample
- ACTION ITEM - Raise TMCH user satisfactioin question with INTA
- ACTION ITEM - Jordyn, Jonathan and Eleeza to discuss how to get data from Zooknic. In addition, reach out to NTLD stats and enquire whether feasible and could speak to group on next call
- ACTION ITEM - Staff to enquire if analysis of data on what SLDs are registered in what domains is feasible