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Action Items: EN         

Recording: EN, ES ES

Adobe Connect Chat:  EN    

Transcription: EN, ES

Dial-out Participants:  




FBSC Members

Chair: Alan Greenberg
AFRALO: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Sarah Kiden
APRALO: Ali AlMeshal, Maureen Hilyard
EURALO: Andrei Kolesnikov, Erich Schweighofer
LACRALO: Humberto Carrasco, Harold Arcos
NARALO: Javier Rua Jovet, Judith Hellerstein


EN: Alan Greenberg, Maureen Hilyard, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Olivier Crépin-Leblond,   Olévié Kouami, Sarah Kiden, Taryn Presley, Glenn McKnight, Alberto Soto, Nadira Alaraj, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Alfredo Lopez, Andrei Kolesnikov, Javier Rua Jovet, Judith Hellerstein

ES: Harold Harold Arcos, Humberto Carrasco

Apologies:   Ali AlMeshal

Staff:  Becky Nash, Jessica Castillo, Heidi Ullrich,  Evin Evin Erdoğdu

Call Management:  Evin Erdoğdu

ES Interpreters: 


Claudia & Veronica



  1. Roll Call - Staff (2 minutes)

  2. Welcome and Aim of Call  - Alan Greenberg, Chair of the FBSC/ALAC (3 minutes)

  3. Presentation on the FY18 Budget - Becky Nash, VP Finance (20 minutes)

    1. Deadline for FY18 Additional Budget Requests extended to Friday, 10 February

    Final Review of the Revised At-Large FY18 Additional Budget Requests - Alan Greenberg and Heidi Ullrich  (50
    1. See: Public Comment on ICANN's Draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget, and Five-Year Operating Plan Update
    2. Finance Presentation
  4. Questions and Answers on the FY18 Budget - Alan Greenberg (10 mintues)

  5. Discussion of the ALAC Response to the FY18 Budget Public Comment (20 minutes)

    1. See:
    1. At-Large Workspace: ICANN's Draft FY18
    Budget Development Workspace
  6. Summary
  7. ALAC (8)
  8. AFRALO (2)
  9. APRALO (5)
  10. EURALO (2)
  11. LACRALO (5)
  12. NARALO (2)
    1. Operating Plan and Budget, and Five-Year Operating Plan Update
  13. Next Steps - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)