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Latest versions of Google Slides for Community Onboarding
for updating in 2020. Work is being carried out by the ICANN At-Large Onboarding Slide Deck Team as part of the At-Large Capacity Building WG
0 - At-Large-Approach-for-Community-Onboarding (February 2020) - Describes the ideas behind community onboarding
1 - Start Here (February 2020) - presents tailored set of topics/slides depending on the audience
2 - What is the
DNS?Domain Name System (June 2020) - Introduce the concepts of the DNS and introduce entities like ICANN the corporation, and ICANN the community.
- Key Policy Issues of the At-Large Community - (View as Interactive website) - slidedeck to help new or potential
3 - The Policy challenges in the DNS (February 2020) - slidedeck to help current (or potential) At-Large Community members
tolearn about the various ICANN policy issues of interest to end users, why end users should care about these issues, and how as part of the ICANN At-Large Community they can become involved on these issues.
- (Updated for ICANN60) Presentation on
4 - Introduction to ICANN At-Large Community (updated June 2020) -
aboutabout the At-Large Community, its key activities, and how to engage with the At-Large Community
5 - Navigating At-Large (February 2020) - for
existingcurrent or new At-Large
,on how to find relevant information and to participate in At-Large activities
Slides presented at various times during the Community Onboarding Sessions and/or Outreach and Engagement sessions
Slides for Community Onboarding for ICANN59
Slides for Community Onboarding for ICANN58
The PDFs can be browsed at an eBook : http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/siol (via Glenn McKnight)
At-Large update-on-onboarding-approach-21-feb-2017.pdf (Feb 2017 - shown on O&E call 2017-02-21)
ICANN-At-Large-Onboarding-Presentation-for-OandE-Dec2016.pdf (Dec 2016 - shown on O&E call 2017-01-17)
ICANN At-Large Onboarding Presentation for ICANN57.pdf (Nov 2016 - shown at ICANN58 Onboarding)
This page gives newcomers from different backgrounds the platform to acquire the necessary knowledge to become effective and active participants of the At Large community.
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At-Large Work Methods and Collaboration Tools