Latest versions of Google Slides for Community Onboarding for updating in 2020. Work is being carried out by the ICANN At-Large Onboarding Slide Deck Team as part of the At-Large Capacity Building WG
The PDFs can be browsed at an eBook : (via Glenn McKnight)
At-Large update-on-onboarding-approach-21-feb-2017.pdf (Feb 2017 - shown on O&E call 2017-02-21)
ICANN-At-Large-Onboarding-Presentation-for-OandE-Dec2016.pdf (Dec 2016 - shown on O&E call 2017-01-17)
ICANN At-Large Onboarding Presentation for ICANN57.pdf (Nov 2016 - shown at ICANN58 Onboarding)
This page gives newcomers from different backgrounds the platform to acquire the necessary knowledge to become effective and active participants of the At Large community.
At-Large Work Methods and Collaboration Tools