NOTE: text in cells below shown in colour is DRAFT only for demonstration purposes and discussion within the AIRWG
Issue #2 | Uneven contribution of At-Large has struggled to reflect/process end-user opinion; barriers to individual participation; perception of unchanging leadership groupto a coordinated ICANN strategy for ‘Outreach and Engagement’. Missed opportunities for coordination with other constituencies and ICANN staff. |
Final Proposal as approved by the Board - | At-Large is increasingly focusing on individuals (both unaffiliated At-Large Members as well as members within RALOs have also started to identify experts on ICANN topics within their ALSes and among individual members and to increasingly engage them in ALAC’s policy work. Thus, a bi-directional flow of ICANN information continues to be strengthened. These activities will require the production of information that is truly understandable (as identified in a recent ALAC-GAC Joint Statement) and available in multiple languages. As some of this will need to be created by At-Large staff, additional resources may be needed. We would suggest that At-Large Staff continue to work together with At-Large Leadership in looking for effective methodologies to coach and onboard new policy volunteers and leaders to facilitate the development of their skills and encourage them to stay and deepen their knowledge and expertise. Regarding the perception of unchanging leadership, statistics reporting involvement will be published |
Prioritization | |
ARIWG comments | (Satish) Here are a few comments to start off discussions: a. Take proactive measures to facilitate and encourage participation from ALSes as well as individual members
b. Remove elements that cause "friction" in participation
c. Revitalize the At-Large Community
Status of improvement effort / staff lead | |
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation | |
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other? | |
Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools) | |
Expected budget implications | |
Proposed implementation steps: | |
Continuous Improvement(s) | |
Metrics |