- The ALAC to approve the charter of the At-Large Review Working Party, once it is finalized
- holly.raiche to modify the draft charter wording re 'the expected time commitment for...June 2017' (replace the x factor on time with "an expectation for at least weekly meetings", add a second sentence re 'time committed and undertake the tasks assigned', check the recording/transcript)
- Ariel Liang to publish the draft charter with the revised wording to the wiki; At-Large Review Working Party members and RALO members to comment on the wiki re the draft charter (i.e. support/against, etc.) before passing it to the ALAC for approval
- Independent Examiner needs to have access to the requirement/expectations from At-Large Community (ALAC, RALOs, Working Party) as background info, as well as bylaws and other reference materials
- Ariel Liang to create a wiki page to gather inputs re additional IE criteria
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