1. Roll call – 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 13 January meeting – Co-Chairs, 5 min
a) Seth to confirm with WTs B, C, and D that they will not be proposing any Bylaw changes (which would need to be bundled with the WT A preamble to be sent to the SIC and Board).
3. Finalization of preamble for use within Bylaws – Co-Chairs, 5 min
- See Proposed Draft Preamble (as revised by WT A on 13 Jan)
4. Discussion of possible revision to Article XI, 2, 4, j, mentioned in Legal Dept Drafts: ICANN Bylaws – Samantha, 15 min
- See WT A Drafts: ICANN Bylaw Changes
The preamble (see above) is akin to an overall mission statement. This change to XI, 2, 4, j is being made in order to specifically describe how part of the preamble’s mission statement would be implemented.
5. Discussion of possible WT B public comment (or public comment suggestion to the ALAC) regarding the ATRT’s Final Report – Co-Chairs, 10 min
- See WT A Drafts: Suggested ALAC comment on ATRT Final Recs
- See ATRT Final Recommendations public comment announcement.