Date: Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Zoom Link: / Password: 837476
RTT Link: []
EN: 1638
ES: 1738
Action Items: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Real Time Transcript: EN
Roll Call - Staff (3 mins)
Words from Chair - Daniel Nanghaka (10 mins)
- Review of SC on O/E FY20/FY21 Activities Table, including:
O/E post-ATLAS activities: At-Large Participation Toolkit for each stage in involvment
i. Onboarding - Updating on the progress (Dev/Joanna)
ii. Initial engagement (WG membership; assigned a coach/mentor)
iii. Policy Advice development involvement;
iv. At-Large leadership
- Review of SC on O/E FY20/FY21 Activities Table, including:
Review of the SC on O/E FY21 At-Large Virtual Outreach and Engagement Strategy - Daniel/All (30 mins)
Updates on FY21 Regional Strategic Outreach Plans from Co-chairs - Co-Chairs (25 mins)
Update on GSE Activities - Adam Peake (5 mins)
Preparing At-Large Outreach and Engagement Activities for ICANN68 - Daniel/All (20 mins)
- Aims for ICANN68
- Possible Activities
- Social Media Activities - John Laprise
- Recommended Outcome: Social Media WG to develop an online plan for O/E
- Daily Tweets targeted for people who may be at home
- Close collaboration between SC on O/E and Social Media WG
Next Call - Daniel (1 min)
Adjournment of Call - Daniel (1 min)