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Following the exploration of areas of improvement, the ccNSO Council requested the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC) to propose a general method to guide the ccNSO continuous improvement initiatives. At its workshop in San Juan (ICANN79) the evaluated various methods / models, and advised to use the extensive PDSA model (see below) as a basis for continuous improvement efforts. Following this advice of the GRC, the ccNSO Council adopted this method and asked the GRC to test the method on a process that will cover most of the focal points of the two open Space meetings: improvement of the ccNSO  voting process.  Purpose of this experiment is to gain experience in continuous improvement and test the preferred method in a real life and limited setting.

ccNSO Methods for Continuous Improvements

Overview of ccNSO Continuous Improvement Initiatives

InitiativeGroupDescriptionStart Date End DateOutcome 

Improvement Members Voting Process

Guideline Review Committee 


Improvement effort is to at least maintain the current level of participation of voting (55% of the membership), however if feasible increase the level. 


Improvement ccNSO Travel SupportTravel Funding Committee 


Update of the Travel Guideline
Improvement ccNSO Members Survey ProcessMPCSteps taken by the MPC to improve the feedback opportunity for the ccTLD community regarding ccNSO Members meetings



ccNSO Capacity Improvement ccNSO Council


DASC Review DASC Review Team A review of the effectiveness and efficiency of the DNS Abuse Standing Committee



Report DASC Review 
Improvement Council Election ProcessElection process managerRecommendations to improve the cNSO council election process



Election Report 
