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Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)  


How can I participate in this meeting? 1(800)550-6865, Teleconference ID: 1638


Action Items: Action Items 09 June 2014

Transcript:  EN  

Chat: AC Chat transcript 09 June 2014         

Recording: EN



1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)

2. Review of Action Items of Monthly May 2014  - Glenn McKnight  (2 min) 

2.1. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) The ALS RALO database is to show the date of updating, please advise of status


2.3. Staff: Please verify if English, French and Spanish NARALO brochures were shipped to the Chair (On hold until after London)

2.4. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) to notify RALO leaders and the ALAC members when the RALO ALS database is updated.

2.5. Elections: Pending - Discussion for this call

2.6. All - Please note the May Report

3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)


3.2.1. ATLAS II Preparations !!!Sponsorship Group has no NARALO Members!!!

3.2.2 ATLAS Fayre of Opportunities.  (Judith Hellerstein)  Looking for people to sign up to take a 15 minute shift at the NARALO Table. Google Doc Sign up is

NAMEALSWorking GroupIssueWIKI AccessLondon Travel Details
Chris P.Privaterra 

privacy and security issues

Garth G.TC Canada 
Accepting Internet Governance as a local responsibility
(See Telecommunities Canada page in the wiki)
Michael M.ACN   ?
Eduardo D.ISOC PR

Public Relations

Thomas Municipal TLD group ?
Chris G./Ogi M.ISOC COEventsImpacts of DDoS and Cyberwar Flight


Evan L.CLUEEvents  Flight
Garth B.KnujOnPublic RelationsWorkflow Flight
Glenn M.FBSCEvents YFlight
Monique C.Communautique   YFlight
Randy G.AmericaAtLarge   Flight
Alan G.Unaffiliated/Virtual    Flight
Seth R.IPTSHSBA   Flight
Scott SullivanGTALUG   Flight
Konstantin K.ISOC SFCommunicationsDigital Divide Flight
Dana P.AWV CAP Outreach and Capacity Building Flight
Jonathan A.ISOC NY Open Internet/Surveillance and privacyNFlight
Kerry B.ISOC CAEventsccNSO At-Large Coordination Flight
Neil S.CAUCE Security, Abuse, PrivacyNFlight
Louis H.ISOC QC  Y?
Darlene T.N-CAP


Sarah A.YHY Usability and the individual userNFlight
Judith H.CAGFayreCapacity Building, Digital DivideYFlight
Yubelkys M.HETSPublic Relations  Flight

3.2.2. London NARALO General Assembly preparations (2 Hours) Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 24 June at:  11:00 - 13:00 (Note the change!)


CTIA's Super Mobility Week, Telco Big Data Event September 9-11 2014 Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show January 6-9 2015 Las Vegas South by Southwest March 13-22, Austin Texas


4.2. Automation of the ALS Application (Need Staff Assistance)

4.3.  Aligning CROPP with Outreach Goals

4.4.  Outreach recruitment queue

4.4.1. Submit recommendations to Murray McKercher



5.1.3. Spotlight Calendar

5.2. Welcome Manitoba E-Association


5.7. Synchronizing Calls to Monthly Reports

5.7.1. Please review the new format of the Monthly Reports which are now structured to mirror the Call Agenda. This is intended to streamline the way we do our work and account for our time.

5.7.2. How would YOU make our efforts more Metric-friendly? View the ALAC Metrics Wiki Space

6. Committee/Working Group Activity - for All WG/Committee Reports


6.4. Future Challenges Working Group

6.5. CROPP Reports

6.6. At-Large Finance and Budget Subcommittee

6.7. Privacy and Proxy services Accreditation Issues WG

6.8. Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)

6.9. At-Large ICANN Accessibility Working Group

7.  At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)

7.1 Policy Advice Development Page

8. ICANN Functions (5 Minutes) (Communication Strategy III.5)
