Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
How do I participate in this meeting?
English Conference ID = 1638
Zoom room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/96402789608?pwd=eHFmVGZnRURMMko4RU9sUW9ldVFodz09 Password: APRA19JAN*
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
Chat: EN
EN: Amrita Choudhury, Aris Ignacio, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Eranga Samararathna, Satish Babu, Holly Raiche, Pavel Farhan, Ali AlMeshal, Shah Rahman, Maureen Hilyard, K Mohan Raidu, Puteri Ameena, Laxmi Prasad Yadav, Phyo Thiri Lwin, Udeep Baral, Letitia Masaea, Bibek Silwal, Bikram Shrestha, Jahangir Hossain, Justine Chew, Pavan Budhrani, Priyatosh Jana, Lianna Galstyan, Jay Paudyal,
Roll call - Staff (2 min)
Welcome and Introduction to the call - Amrita (2 min)
Policy Update - Maureen,Holly, Justine (10 min)
- GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support - Maureen
- ICANN Budget - Holly
- IDN EPDP Update-Justine
Discussion on the APRALO Outreach and Engagement Plan - All (5min)
Next course of action
Briefing on APRICOT [2023.apricot.net]: 20 Feb -02 March 2023, Manila, Philippines) - Aris (3min)
Discussion on items to present during AP retreat - All (3 min)
Update on the APRALO Policy Forum - Shreedeep (3 min)
Deliberate on UA Day plans - All (10min)
APRALO GA Discussion (5 mins)
Overview on initiating discussion on ROP and Election Process for APRALO - Cheryl (5min)
Update on Social Media - Shah (3min)
NomCom update - Ali (5min)
AOB (2min)
Next call: Thursday 16 February at 06:00 UTC