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Monday, 10 June 2024

AFRALO Roundtable: Enhancing Internet Infrastructure in Africa

High-Level Notes

Nii Quaynor - Need short and long term plans. The short-term plans need to fit into longer term plans. 


Claire Craig - Commented that the ALS survey was useful for other regions. Also asked to how many people was the survey sent. 

Action Items 


No Action Items recorded. 

Recommendations to ICANN org 

•    What can ICANN org and ICANN stakeholders do to improve internet infrastructure?

•    ICANN can help policy makes and legislators by building the capacity of legislators so they themselves can explain and bring what we need to do in Africa. ICANN can assist by highlighting policies to assist the private sector. 

•    Raise awareness, increase root instances and servers, as the next billion users will come from Africa, there will be questions about accessibility and what it means to be connected.

•    DNS infrastructure relies heavily on the underlying Internet infrastructure and anything that we can do to improve implement infrastructure will help the DNS, make more exchange points, putting more links between borders between countries , Increase root servers instances and resolvers.

your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

AFRALO: Building a Multilingual Internet: Opportunities and Challenges

High-Level Notes

Can you share with us some successful examples of domain names and email addresses being used in local languages within Africa?


  •  No Action Items recorded.

At-Large Leadership Welcome Session

High-Level Notes

  • The At-Large Community will be focusing on the different sessions taking place at ICANN80. 
  • A lot of sessions will be on Next Round along with standing topics like DNS abuse. 
  • Leon Sanchez, ICANN Board Member, provided an update on the Board's recent meeting and other issues of concern. The Board had a workshop had that focused on private contention resolution. No conclusion has been rached so far regarding how the Board will proceed with this. Board is studying options that have been submitted and is inclined to prevent private contention resolution.
  • The Board has appointed Hadia Elminiawi as a member of the SSAC. 
  • The Board is adopting a resolution on GAC advice regarding contention resolution. 
  • Where are we in terms of the ombuds search? 
    • The person has been selected and is in the contracting process 
  • What happened to the resolution on WS2?
    • we have failed to comply with this recommendation and several on the board are pushing for this happen as it was recommended by the group. 
  • Regarding layoffs, how was number selected, was there a framework
    • No additional details can be provided at this time as it is an operational issue. The Board was informed that this would happen but the Board was provided with detailed criteria.  
  • Was anyone within At-Large support impacted? 
    • No, At-Large support was not impacted. 
  • Is there anything At-Large can do to help prevent private resolution? Has the Board considered making the auctions be part of the application process?
    • No, the Board has not considered this, though it is an interesting solution. The Board believes that the At-Large has contributed and has been helpful with the Next Round. 
  • Regarding RVCs, Board welcomes RVCs but will stay away from RVCs concerning content.  
  • The At-Large Policy Subject Matter Experts provide an overview of the policy topics. 
  • The GNSO council will be discussing the SPIRT Charter at its upcoming meeting. Singular/Plural issue is not on the agenda. 
  • The At-Large community went over the session reports and made a call for volunteers for rapporteurs. 
  • The At-Large community discussed the At-Large Campaign Playbook. The playbook is meant to systematize the process for requesting At-Large participation in campaigns. 
  • Reminder that At-Large sessions are listed on the At-Large Agenda Wiki page. Please reach out to staff with any questions. 


  •  Rapporteurs to submit reports to the At-Large wiki page before the At-Large Wrap-Up session on 13 June 2024

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

At-Large, Fellows and NextGen Interaction


  •  ICANN org to provide Outreach and Engagement materials to ALAC leadership. Initial set of materials is being finalized and will hopefully be shared by the end of the month. 

    At-Large/RAOs RALOs should work on:

    • A precise definition of the kind of support the ALSes may provide to the ICANN Com team in their campaign  
    • A clear and precise process for that, and a defined framework for the actions to be undertaken by the ALSes

Joint Session: ALAC & SSAC

High-Level Notes

  • There are evergreen topics that both groups are interesting in discussing. Both Advisory Committees appreciate the commitment to safety and security and the continued collaborative spirit.
  • Jonathan Zuck provided an overview of the first draft of the safer cyber campaign course
    • A lot of course focuses on phishing since that is what many end users deal with
  • How will ALAC get people to see this presentation?
    • Could be delivered as a seminar for audiences. Would take a UA day model approach to delivering this content to end users
    • Could also be added to the ICANN learn platform. Could also be added to other media platforms.
    • Current focus is on ALAC stakeholders. Once there’s more success to it, it could spread further
  • Safer Cyber is of importance to users around the world. SSAC can provide information about cyber security and packaged by ALAC


  • Overview was provided about what Name Collisions are and it’s importance. Introduction of new TLDs increases likelihood of collisions
  • There have been evolutions in DNS protocols and other technologies, root server data is no long the only and most efficient way for assessing the risk of name collision
  • There is a lack of consistency as there’s no centralized location to assess risk with data needed
  • NCAP 2 recommends an assessment framework with 4 key features
    • Integrated risk assessment
    • Technical Review Team (TRT)
    • Enhanced Data Collection
    • Multiple Assessment Methods
  • Name Collision process is roughly 4 stages
    • Applicant identifies potential issues using publicly existing data
    • TRT reviews available data
    • ICANN temporarily delegates string into root
    • TRT submits recommendations the Board for Board to decide whether application should move forward
  • Controlled interruptions worked in 2012 round but may not be the most efficient way to assess the risk of name collisions in the next round
    • Controlled interruptions does not work with IPv6
    • Root Servers and Resolver Operators are seeing less data now compared to 2012 due to technological and regulatory changes
  • There are concerns regarding privacy in data collection
  • TRT is essential to dealing name collisions going forward. It would be a highly technical and highly skilled activity. There’s no generalized solution to name collisions 
  • Idea is to have test conducted before delegation but after the TLD has been awarded
    • Personal Identification Information is going to be an issue regardless of where the test is conducted
  • SSAC has been having discussions with Board Committees and understands that it is up to the board to decide on a way forward
  • The ALAC has been discussing auctions with GAC and Org. One recommendation is to have auction be part of application process. It would help mitigate issue of data manipulation is contention info collected at the start of application processing.
    • If list of applicant TLDs published, it could be gamed ahead of time.
    • No statement on when analysis should be done was intentional.
    • Challenge with auctions is that there are already approved recommendations about auctions of last resort. The two issues are separate and should not be conflated.  
  • There are no recommendations from the SubPro Final Report on what method is to be used. Controlled Interruption will continue to be used until Board adopts a new method.
  • There will continue to be concerns regarding privacy and timing

Action Items 


  • No action items recorded. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Joint Session: ALAC & GAC

High-Level Notes

Contention Resolution


  • Applicant Support Program is of importance to the ALAC and GAC. The ALAC was provided an overview of the outreach and engagement plan.
  • The ALAC believes this is a good time to begin an awareness program and would provide targeted audience with enough time to begin
  • The ALAC would like to collaborate with the GAC on ways to up outreach and enagement. The ALAC highlighted that outreach and engagement materials are being developed by ICANN org. 
  • ASP remains a key topic of interest. The ASP should promote diversification in TLD space.
  • ASP Recommendaiton 17.2 has been apporves by the Board. The GAC looks forward to a holistic program being implemented 
  • The ALAC and GAC have met outside of ICANN meetings to talk about issues related to the next round program. They provided correspndence during intersessional time. 
    • GAC ASP Small Team will be having Bilateral with ICANN staff to brainstrom on ways to communicate efficenitly in lead up to ICANN81
    • The GAC is still reviewing questions regarding ASP, such as first come first serve issue. The GAC looks forward to working together with the ALAC on mutual issues of interest. 
    • Joint capacity sessions are an option for both parties to discuss ways forward. 
  • ASP Applications should not be judged based on timing of submission. 
    • Applicants should be aware of what the process will be, especially if applicants must consider if first come, first serve is applied.  
    • Would first come, first serve be a way to solve contention resolution 
      • this may be viewed as a risk issue
  • Is there any intention an action plan about creating awareness for O&E plan about what the GAC needs to do to support the second phase? 
    • The GAC has asked for clarification on budget and financial parameters with regard to ASP. There are also discusiooonis taking place reagrding back-end registry service platforms. 
  • The AGB and materials will be translated to UN language, need to recognize that those are not all the languages spoken in the world, and will require time and resources to translate to the right languages. The GAC would like for there to be an equitable chance for applicnats to submit. This is a reason why they do not like the idea of first come first serve for ASP 
  • When will the app round start?
    • ASP will launch 12 months before the application window starts and is expected to launch Q4 2024. Raising awareness should start now. 
    • Community Awareness campaign should be taking place now and ending around October 2024. Materials from ICANN org is needed to help with comm awareness campaign. 
  • First come, first serve is a bad idea. Could joint communication be published to either force all languages should be done and then first come first serve, or have all applications reviewed at once for ASP. Applications should be treated equally, this is the point of having a application window 
  • Will ASP will receive more applications due to the rise in fee cost?
    • The GAC advocated for a complete waiver for those applying in ASP. Currently looks like there will be a large fee reduction for ASP applicants. If there are more than anticipated applicants, GAC might ask Board to consider more funding for successful applicants
  • How we distribute efforts for outreach and engagement?
    • through GGP, specifc targets for ASP were debated and agreed upon. Board has accepted the GGP Recommendaiotns. GAC has a specific definition for underserved regions 

Action Items 

  • No Action Items recorded.

At-Large Cross RALO Coordination Session

High-Level Notes

TOPIC : ALAC - RALO communications 


  •  Ozan Sahin and Nathalie Peregrine were asked to have the CROP rules and procedures translated in other languages (FR and ES) as they are not widely understood by all. 

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

The group discussed the statement “Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Africa through Multilingual Internet Infrastructure.” The statement recognizes Africa’s diverse linguistic landscape, which includes more than 2,000 spoken languages, and highlighted several recommendations to achieve a multilingual internet in Africa.

Action Items 

  •  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  and hadia.elminiawi to edit the statement incorporating suggestions as follows" Second recommendation- include the "number of root services instances". Edit under "Capacity building" instead of "advocate and promote - "building capacity and skills across Africa".  Spell out DNS Industry including Internet service providers and hosting providers.
  •  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to send the AFRALO-AFRICANN statement (once finalized) to staff to forward to the Board.

Thursday, 13 June 2024

At-Large ISOC Chapter Roundtable

High-Level Notes

  • All ISOC members present introduced themselves.
  • The vision and mission of ISOC and ICANN was presented
  • ISOC’s website has the expectations of the chapters
  • The role of ISOC Chapters and ALS, ALS can assist ISOC Chapters and vice versa.
  • They considered setting up a whatsapp chat.
  • This is a subset within At-Large.  not a preferential but being a subset has advantages. 
  • All ALS are the same. ISOCs are not a privileged class within At-Large
  • There is not much funding from ICANN for ALSes (limited)
  • ISOC does provide grants, administrative funding which can be used to advance ISOC mission, but it can also be used to advance the At-Large mission.
  • Discussion of ISOC role within ICANN, we need to enhance everybody’s participation. ISOC Chapters have tools in common, we can discuss practices that we can put into place.
  • Important to make the comparison between ISOC Chapters and ALS. ISOCs have a regional person in charge to follow up. ISOC has a manager who follows up with activities.
  • We can have a score- give grades. ISOC Chapters receive a minimum of 3,000 $ per year as administrative funding on the condition that they are active and administer their chapter. This is very important.
  • JZ mentioned the “global campaign” as there are a lot of messages that need to get out to the global community.
  • JZ presented the Campaign playbook.
  • ISOC chapters found this discussion is interesting and helpful to strengthen the communication channels and means of cooperation between ISOC and ICANN & ALAC for the welfare of the global community. Hope to keep the momentum onwards.
  • Follow up- Greg Shatan – invited all to the Community Forum in Seattle. Suggested next time to hold a similar meeting in Seattle, Greg offered to organize the meeting at the Community forum.


At-Large Leadership Wrap Up Session

High-Level Notes

  • Amrita C. provided an overview of the work of the Internet Governance Forum Support Association, its remit, and its reach. 
  • Primary purpose of the association is to support the IGF and its initiatives. 
  • Justine C. provided an update on the GNSO Council meeting
  • Matthias H. provided a short update on the SSAC sessions and highlighted a discussion on AI, and cybersafe campaign with the ALAC 
  • Joanna K. provided an update about the GAC session that was held with the ALAC. There may be additional joint correspondence between the ALAC and GAC. There are opportunities to work intersessionally with the GAC. 
  • If ALAC advice is issued on contention resolution, a method on how it can be mitigated should be added. 
    • taking opportunity for private resolution out of the equation
  • Session reports should highlight action items that ALAC should tend to 
  • Avri discussed in covering the session reports the topics of PICs/RVCs, Applicant Support, registration data access, and DNS Abuse.  
    • Justine also covered the fees that are being discussed for Next Round applications and bid credits for Applicant Support.  
  • Reminder from Justine to work on ALAC Procedure for filing comments and objections in the Next Round. 
  • Claire provided an overview of the remit of the OFB-WG. 
  • Maarten Botterman provided an overview of the ICANN Strategic Plan
    • Board to adopt the plan by March 2025
    • A public comment is scheduled for 09 July 2024 and a community webinar will be available to discuss the Strategic Plan
  • Hadia E. provided an overview of AFRALO sessions that took place at ICANN80. AFRALO provided advice that is impactful to the Africa region. 
  • Denise H. provided an update about the NextGen program participants 
  • Sheerdeep R. provided an update about the Fellowship program participants. Highlighted that previous Fellows are stepping into ALAC leadership rolls 
  • Bukola O. provided an udpate about social media enagement within the ALAC and at-large community. Contest winners were announced. 
  • Jonathan Z. announced that he will be unavailable for the next 45 days. He has delegated responsibility to Claire Craig and Justine Chew. 
  • Heidi U. announced that Claudia Ruiz will be transitioning to the ccNSO team. 

Action Items 

  •  PICs/RVCs to be discussed in CPWG call. 
  •  ALAC to have call with ICANN80 NextGen and Fellowship participants.