On the EURALO monthly call, held on December 20, 2016, EURALO Board member Jordi Iparraguirre, notified EURALO membership of his resignation due to other activities. As agreed on the call, EURALO's Chair and Secretariat sent a call for nominations to fill the vacated seat on 22 December 2016.
This call is made in accordance with the EURALO Articles of Association and Selection and performance criteria for EURALO Board members 2015. Please note: For this Board replacement round several candidates may be nominated but only one position is vacant. Since this is for ONE seat, ALSes will have ONE vote only! As we have a limit of 1 Board member per country, citizens of Finland, Austria, Germany and France are not eligible for nomination. For further rules and info see: http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/euro-discuss/2015-November/004161.html
Please submit your nominations and self-nominations until 13 January at 23:59 UTC by sending an email to the EURALO mailing list and coping At – Large staff staff@atlarge.icann.org . All candidates who accept their nominations by the deadline above must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). To read the Expression of Interest Statements from sitting Board members please visit: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/arBYAwUx1KBg.
The online vote will start on 16 January 2016 at 23:59 UTC - 20 January 2016 at 23:59 UTC
Reference documents:
EURALO Articles of Association
Selection and performance criteria for EURALO Board members 2015
Nominations :
Candidate | Nominated by |
Date | Country of Origin/Country of Residence | Expression of Interest |
Olawale (‘Wale) Shakiru BAKARE | Jean-Jacques Subrenant | 1-8 | Nigeria /United Kingdom | My interest in becoming a member of the European At-Large Organization (EURALO) board is, to assist it building the bottom-up inputs to ICANN’s policy development process. I have acquired commercial experience both in private and public sectors, and believe this can be utilized to promote the European Regional At-Large’s future development plan, for community process, as well as internet users across the Europe. The areas have developed skills include but unlimited to Telecommunications, Project Management, Internet-of-Things (IOTs), Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Cyber-Security. Aside from the technical experience, I have got experience in the field of governance of internet – policy development, and other Information and Communication Technology related laws. I worked for the Newcastle city and Gateshead Councils on the UK Government’s Digital Scheme program, in the year 2013 and 2014. The program designed to promote the digital awareness in the North-East region of the United Kingdom. I am a member of the EURALO Individual Users’ Association. A board member and vice chair of Individual Users’ Association since October 2015. I participated in the just concluded IANA Stewardship Transition to the global multistakeholder community, as one of the CWG participants. Presently, I am a member of CCWG Accountability Working Group. I am an active member of Jurisdiction and Transparency subgroups. I am a community member of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and participated on its Best Practices on Meaningful Multi-Stakeholder Participation, Establishing and Supporting Computer Emergency Response Team (CERTs) for Internet Security, Creating an Enabling Environment for the Development of Local Content. I contributed to the drafts of Local Content and Emergency Response Team for Internet Security. My academic experience includes an MSc degree earned in Embedded Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Also, studied Computer Networking and File Management at the Kenton College, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. I earned a certificate in User Innovation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITx), US. I got a certificate in Initiating and Planning Projects (Project Management) from the University of California, Irvine, US.
| Oksana Prykhodko | Self nomination. Supported by:
| Ukraine |
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