Meeting Number: AL.ALT/CC.0515/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/alacexcom
Chat: EN
Recording: English
Interpretation: No interpretation for this meeting
Transcript: EN
3. ALAC Policy Development Activities - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)
- See: Policy Advice Development Page
- See: ICANN Public Comment page
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
- Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- Statements that seem to be stalled:
- None
- Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
- gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) Charter Amendments (opens 8 May, closes 16 June)
- Release of Country and Territory Names within the .SONY, .ARCHI, .BIO and .SAARLAND TLDs (opens 13 May, closes 25 June)
- New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
- Proposed Schedule and Process/Operational Improvements for AoC and Organizational Reviews (opens 15 May, closes 02 July)
- 2013 RAA Whois Accuracy Program Specification Review (opens 14 May, closes 03 July)
- GNSO Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues Working Group Initial Report (opens 5 May, closes 07 July)
a. Copy of BA Draft Schedule v6 16.04.15.xlsx
b. Review of BA ALT and ALAC agendas
6. Review of ALAC Meeting of 26 May 2015 - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)
a. Agenda
b. Action Items