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Comment: Fix links.

Attendees: Guru Acharya: Matthew Shears; Jaap Akkerhuis: Allan MacGillivray: Graeme Bunton 

Apologies: James Gannon 


Google Doc:

Wiki page:



Scale back ambitions for the time-being and focus on current transition plan plan. 


Suggestion to meet Friday's deadline is to: 

  • use the template and evolve it based on the current transition plan;
  • elaborate on the high-level principles; and 
  • look at other dependencies with DTs (and other communities)
  • elaborate a set of recommendations for how the plan should evolve post transition 


Action (Matthew): Capture David's comments on DT-L. Also will want to run this template by him tomorrow. 


Dependencies with other DTs

DT-O (Budget) will not be addressing budget costs for transition plan. 


DT-M (Escalation): one of their escalation steps may at some point be a RFP or separation, but the detail is not being addressed. 

Currently the escalation step relating to RFP says '6. Initiate RFP or [Process mechanism yet to be defined] [Pending Legal Advice & Fundamental Bylaw definition in CCWG]'

--> DT-L could recommend a process for transition 

Action (Allan): draft recommendations for escalation related aspects (will circulate on mailing list)


DT-N (Periodic Review) could also be related. 


Things to note/edit in the document

- Scaling back from original plan to write a new transition plan, and instead focusing on the current transition plan and additions to it

- Have not received C.7.2 but submitted a DIDP request for it (submitted an received two other DIDP requests)


Action (Jaap): draft text and recommendations for KSK rollover. 

Action (Guru): go over initial concerns (6 point in an email about the trasition plan) and see if addressed in draft. 


Analysis of Transition Plan

'Document Structure' needs to refer to new proposal structure

Transition Actions

'Deliverables not requiring transition' -- note the DIDP request for C.7.2


At best, we'll have a framework for a transition. What DT-L produces can be taken to another level at a later point. 


Deadline for edits to document in 24h. Aim for 13:00 UTC on 9 April. This way, Matthew will send text to David for review/feedback. 


The MP3 recording is available here: Track1-ID188539281.mp3

The Adobe Connect recording is available here:


*There was no transcript for this call. 

Chat Transcript

Grace Abuhamad:Hi all -- the link to the DT-L Google Doc is here:


  Grace Abuhamad:Wiki page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/gnsocwgdtstwrdshp/pages/98471989/DT-L+Transition+Plan

  Graeme Bunton:not from me
