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 Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ALAC ExCom call on Monday 18 March 2013 at 1400 UTCGisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Matt Ashtiani:Hello everyone!
Heidi Ullrich:We are just finishing the new gTLD WG call
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:it's ok. i won't talk. just listen.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:can cheryl speak?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:i hear things intermittently
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am awaiting a dial-out
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:i hear cheryl clearly, but she comes and goes.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:same for you. GG
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Adobe very slow today.
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hi everyone
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:took a while to load.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:There is about a 1 minute delay for typing.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:More than that. Now the delay is 2 minutes.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:really? It's pretty fast for me here.
Carlton Samuels:Hiya all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:as in instantaneous
Alan Greenberg:Me too
Heidi Ullrich:Yes, on a different channel
Heidi Ullrich:Not a problem if this call goes over 60 mins
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:OK, I'm leaving the meeting. You guys carry on.
Gisella Gruber-White:Technology Taskforce will be on 1638 so this channel is free for time required
Evan Leibovitch:other meetings today: RAA briefing and NARALO now test on chat
Alan Greenberg:NARALO??
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:there is a LACRALO call at 23:00 UTC
Heidi Ullrich:There is no NARALO call today, Evan
Heidi Ullrich:LACRALO...
Alan Greenberg:NARALO was last week
Evan Leibovitch:yeah.
Evan Leibovitch:sigh.
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Rinalia - hopefully you can hear us and that your typing delay is not 2 minutes
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:yup. better now.
Alan Greenberg:WElcome back Rinalia. I was afraid you were going to leave us Rinalia-less!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:That would be good for me I think Alan.
Heidi Ullrich:Full Beijing schedule: : still long delay oin typing for me :-(
Matt Ashtiani:At-Large FY14 Community Travel Support Guidelines Workspace -
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Seen the note. It's informational.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Don't need to discuss it do we?
Matt Ashtiani:will do
Carlton Samuels:@OCL:+1
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Can't really hear Cheryl.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:She floats in and out. the audio and the darn AC room are flacky *SIGH*
Alan Greenberg:There will be apost-WCIT meeting in Canberra and Cheryl and possibly Holly will attend and will report back to us.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks.!
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Cheryl - would you like us to call you back as the audio is flakey
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:ccNSO!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:What was the outcome of the new GTLD WG on objections follow up?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Indeed !
Alan Greenberg:Correct - SNAFU. II beleive it has been ruled that we no longer have "glitches"
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Rinalia - post objection filing activities :
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks.
Heidi Ullrich:Wiki page of the agendas:
Heidi Ullrich:The page of AIs will be updated shortly.
Evan Leibovitch:good. i alreadt booked a saturday flight
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:LOL
Evan Leibovitch:btw, still haven't heard from ct about going a day early for gnso
Alan Greenberg:Evan, just contact CT and tell them what you need, and if there is ANY problem, they should speak to Joseph.
Alan Greenberg:OOps - speak to Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, you can speak to Joseph. He has been informed of the approval.
Heidi Ullrich:cc me, please
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Carlton's audio is so clear compared to everyone else!
Heidi Ullrich:I can follow up as well of there is no support for the bylaw mandated liaisons then WE need to have the rules of appointments being changed AALSO the ExCom bits just STUPID
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: +1, bloody tired!
Evan Leibovitch:it's not a budget request, it's an sttitude that our participation is charity
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Bad attitude!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim::D
Alan Greenberg:Me? Bad? NEVER!!! YTravel the reembursements part is an issue for any one with limited personal income as as well I would think no reimbursements under $50 uSD and not sent till after meeting etc, FOne for anyine with an existing funding model related to activities not for many in emerging economies etc
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:+1@CLO about typos been so long since anything I type turned up here ;-)
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1. reimbursements have been a long-standing underpreformance
Alan Greenberg:Cheryl, I could acccept no re-imbursement under $50 *IF* you could carry them forward (including over fiscal years) until the amount is in excess of $50.
Heidi Ullrich:Staff will be preparing notes and follow up actions for all meetings held.
Evan Leibovitch:i will need to go offline with people who spoke to compliance about personnel issues many of us could Alan BUT not a VOLUNTEER from many economies / siuations
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Yup the reembyrsemtn issue if even worse for your Regional NomCom appointees some of their claims are already more than 1 Fin Year old already
Evan Leibovitch:is the ralo deadline TODAY? they get no stipend so this means every b'feast internet etc.,
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:@CLO - That's not acceptable.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:What's the holdup?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@evan - indeed
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:stepping off to be on the TTF call at the top of the hour
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ttyl and take care all
Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, yes the RALO deadline for FY14 AC requests to be sent to At-Large staff and Olivier is today. The FBSC will be reviewing them on Wednesday, 20 March.
Heidi Ullrich:The At-Large FY14 AC Request workspace is at:
Heidi Ullrich:No requests have been receieved - two announcements have been sent up after Rinalia (possibly) now my line is dropped
Alan Greenberg:CLO, if NomCom members are not getting re-imbursed quickly, then both NomCom Chair *AND* Chair of appointing organization should be escalating. Hign and fast.
Alan Greenberg:High
Evan Leibovitch:@Heidi, in NARALO people are scrambling.
Gisella Gruber-White:can you not hear me?
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:no we could not hear you
Silvia Vivanco:Re-state your request in writing please, we cannot hear you well
Heidi Ullrich:There is a possible slot in their meeting in Beijing:
Heidi Ullrich:Brief update of key issues (10 mins) (Moderator: Holly Raiche) Individual participation within the RALOs- Wolf Ludwig ROP Working Group Report- Cheryl Langdon Orr Metrics Working Group: Tijani (10 mins)
Heidi Ullrich:Staff can organize an informal meeting later on Wed or Thursday for the regional leadership
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Yes please Heidi!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Do it in Beijing!
Heidi Ullrich:The Secretariat meeting is on Wednesday. The group can discuss it during this meeting and then ask for an informal meeting later on Wed or Thursday. If that is ok
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Fine
Silvia Vivanco:We could add it under AOB during the Secretariat's meeting
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Can we take the questions to skype/email?
Matt Ashtiani:sunday -
Evan Leibovitch:I have some GAC questions in mind. Thought I'd sent them.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Is it about PICs?
Evan Leibovitch:My questions? No.
Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, please post to the wiki
Heidi Ullrich:Wiki page:
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I volunteer Alan or Evan'
Carlton Samuels:I would propose Evan
Carlton Samuels:IO will back him up
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:panelist!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:coffee!
Evan Leibovitch:Aargh. I was two line items back.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Why are those topics still up?
Heidi Ullrich:The NCSG leadership suggested that topic
Evan Leibovitch:closed generics are STILL a very hot topic with NSG.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:but not a hot topic here -- and it's really all in the hands of the ICANN new gTLD sub-committee, isn"t it?
Evan Leibovitch:I have an AOB
Carlton Samuels:Good catch Gisella
Silvia Vivanco:thank you
Silvia Vivanco:Bye
Carlton Samuels:Bye al
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:good point