October 2017
On the Had a calls on 2017-08-29 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement and on 2017-10-03 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement discussed.
Outreach at ICANN60
With inputs from APRALO's ali.almeshal and naveed.binrais and from ICANN's Baher Esmat, it was decided it was more feasible to have an outreach session at the ICANN venue. Further was decided to have to have a session for At-large for academia and students to attend.
In order to have a dedicated room with mics, interpretation, the Outreach and Engagement SC Session scheduled on: Monday 30 October from 15:15-16:45 will be split the session into two parts, one half for the SC work and the 2nd half for the session for academia, students, and for Fellows and Nextgen.
1) Introduction to the O&E (2 mins)
2) Outreach at IGF 2017 Geneva - invite persons from NCUC - 15 mins
3) CROP report - can invite Berndetta to discuss CROP report - 15 mins
4) O&E Highlights (13 10 mins)
Community Onboarding documentation
Outreach Calendars
Stakeholder Tool
5) New chair of the O&E ( 3min)
6) Break
2nd O&E session from 16:00 to 16:45
Olivier Crépin-Leblond is following up with NCUC as to the possibility of a joint NCUC/At Large session which will likely be held on Saturday. This can be another opportunity for promoting with academia about At-Large.
Outreach at IGF2017
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It was decided by the O&E cochairs that Glenn McKnight will be the selected person to attend IGF 2017 from the O&E.
New chair at O&E
Dev Anand Teelucksingh announced on the 2017-08-29 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement call, he will be stepping down as chair of the O&E SC at the end of ICANN60.
August 2017
- With the CROP FY18 wiki open, the RALO Outreach Strategic Plans for FY18 page was updated and content migrated to the CROP wiki. APRALO, LACRALO and NARALO have approved plans with EURALO and AFRALO with draft plans circulated for comment.
the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement main wiki was cleaned up and reorganised to make the O&E WG easier to understand and better able to navigate. A goal was to try to make the wiki page load properly on mobile devices without extensive macros that would require "rendering" and reloads to see content. ICANN has updated the Confluence wiki version that powers the wiki and I believe done some tweaks for users on mobile devices. Content was also reorganised with 5 main sections under the O&E main page
ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Meetings
ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Monthly Reports
At-Large Outreach and Engagement Workspace
ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement - Previous Members
At Large Outreach and Engagement Document Workspace
Content under these main sections were reorganised. For example, under the At-Large Outreach and Engagement Workspace page:
grouped the IGF and budget proposals under "Outreach and Engagement Budget and IGF Proposals" ;
grouped the separate RALO Outreach plans for FY16,FY17 etc under "RALO Outreach Strategic Plans by Year"
grouped the separate Outreach activities pages at ICANN56,57,58, etc under "Outreach Activities at ICANN meetings"
moved the "Presentation on Introduction to At-Large" under Community Onboarding
O&E call tentatively scheduled for Tuesday August 29 with the following tentative agenda:
1) Outreach at IGF2017 - discussion of O&E proposal for IGF
2) Onboarding Documentation - how to advance the work
3) Outreach observations at ICANN59
4) Outreach at ICANN60
5) AoB