Task 12: Deliberation on Fundamental Requirements
In addition, drafting teams were formed to flesh out possible purpose definitions:
List of Drafting Teams: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/q5BEBIgwNBg
Final Outputs produced by Drafting Teams as input to full WG deliberation:
- DT1: DNS Research Appended PDF and DOC
- DT2: Domain Name Management Appended PDF and DOC
- DT2: Individual Internet Use Appended PDF and DOC
- DT3: Domain Name Certification Appended PDF and DOC
- DT4: Domain Name Purchase/Sale Appended PDF and DOC
- DT5: Regulatory Appended PDF and DOC
- DT5: ICANN Contractual Enforcement Appended PDF and DOC
- DT6: Legal Actions Appended PDFand DOC
- DT7: Criminal Activity/DNS Abuse Investigation Appended PDF and DOC
- DT7: Criminal Activity/DNS Abuse Notification Appended PDF and DOC
- DT7: Criminal Activity/DNS Abuse Reputation Appended PDF and DOC