NARALO Monthly & ICANN82 Organizing Committee Call (Please note the first 45 minutes will be the NARALO Monthly call and the remaining time will be the NARALO ICANN 82 Organizing Committee Call)
Zoom Link: Password: MbK.A^EEm8
EN: Avri Doria, Alfredo Calderron, Bibi Rookayya Gulmahamed, Dana Cramer, Denise Hochbaum, Greg Shatan, Judith Hellerstein, Kathleen Scoggin, Marita Moll,
Roll Call – Staff (2 mins)
Welcome and Introduction to the Call - Greg Shatan (3 mins)
Welcome and Introduction to the Call - Greg Shatan (NARALO Chair) (3 mins)
ALAC/CPWG ICANN Policy & Public comments update - ALAC members: Kathleen Scoggin, Jonathan Zuck and Judith Hellerstein (15 mins)
OFB WG Update - Marita Moll (10 mins)
Pilot Holistic Review Update - Eduardo Diaz (5 mins)
ICANN 82 Seattle, March 2025- Planning - Greg Shatan, Adrian Schmidt and staff (5 mins)
Community Engagement Resources Update - Policy /GSE Staff (5 mins)
See: GSE Engagement Calendar
Status of FY25 RALO Discretionary Fund Requests
NARALO ALS and Individual Member local activities update (10 mins)
- Welcome to new individual members:Dana Cramer (joined on 20 January 2025) & Bridget Chase (joined on 11 February 2025)
- AOB - Greg Shatan (3 mins)
Next Call - Greg Shatan (2 mins)
Review of Action Items - Greg Shatan (5 mins)
Discussion of NARALO Activities at ICANN 82 - Greg and all (30 mins)
Town Hall - Finalizing the Agenda - google doc - Greg Shatan
Roundtable - Finalizing Agenda - "DNS Abuse and Artificial Intelligence # Leverage AI to Combat DNS Abuse" - Review of theme Description - Google doc.
Roundtable DRAFT POSTER - Denise de Alcantara - Hochbaum
ICANN 82 Booth organization - staff
Networking/Outreach Event - "Spin Seattle"
- Outline of events and schedule
- Headcount - Results of SURVEY sent by Greg to NARALO
Saturday 8 March 2025
Networking/Outreach Event - Saturday 8 March from 18:45-20:45 at SPIN
Monday 10 March 2025
Roundtable – Block 4 (15:00-16:00)
Townhall – Block 5 (16:30-17:30)
Events Promotion update- ICANN org promotion, social media, poster.
Next Calls (3 mins)
Thursday, 20 February at 21:00 UTC
AOB (5 mins)