00:14:47 Olivier KOUAMI: Olévié KOUAMI
00:14:47 Joshua Ayayi: Hello everyone this is Joshua Tetteh Ayayi from Ghana
00:15:27 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Welcome, All.
00:15:55 Laura Margolis: Hello everyone!
00:16:10 Judith Hellerstein: Hi everyone
00:16:28 Olivier KOUAMI: Thanks Heidi
00:16:39 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: :-)
00:16:44 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Action Items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99684702/2022+Action+items+-+ALAC+Monthly
00:16:45 Sarah Kiden:
00:16:51 Olivier KOUAMI: Hello
00:16:52 Laura Margolis:
00:16:53 Joanna Kulesza: :)
00:17:12 Joanna Kulesza: I love this moderator - must be a new guy;)
00:17:32 Jahangir Hossain: Reacted to "I love this moderato..." with
00:17:34 Mouloud Khelif: Hello everyone
00:17:41 Eunice:
00:18:22 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: He will try to join if possible.
00:18:59 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: The ALAC correspondence to the Board on the SubPro ODA was published to the correspondence page earlier today: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/zuck-to-sinha-19jan23-en.pdf
00:19:15 Hadia El Miniawi: @Chantelle thanks
00:20:20 Augusto Ho: Pueden llamarme?
00:20:47 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: @Augusto - si
00:26:37 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:26:41 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: UASG UA Day workspace with a ‘menu’ of activities and funding opportunities - https://uasg.tech/ua-day/'
00:27:02 Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC: Thanks @Sarah
00:27:25 Raymond Mamattah: Well reported. Nothing to add. Cheers.
00:28:41 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: At-Large UA Day activity sign up workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98638284/At-Large+Activities+at+the+2023+Universal+Acceptance+Day
00:28:52 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Several RALOs have more than one event being planned.
00:30:08 Maureen Hilyard: @Naveed - Yes.. thanks for that addition
00:30:44 Greg Shatan: I assume you got a NARALO report before I joined the call…..
00:31:09 Laura Margolis: Yes @Greg, @Eduardo made the update
00:31:16 Sarah Kiden: @Gred, Eduardo gave an update
00:31:20 Sarah Kiden: Greg*
00:33:30 Hadia El Miniawi: @Maureen thank you
00:38:05 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: CPWG: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/jYDpBwIHxBQ
00:43:57 Jonathan Zuck: I am. I’ll finish it up today
00:45:21 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Here is the URL for the CPWG call agenda for this Wednesday (13 UTC)- updates currently in progress: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=22878696799677111
00:49:36 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: At-Large Operations, Finance and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG) wiki page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/XgCjDQAt-wBQ
00:50:26 Marita Moll: Sorry, in am airport so listening only
00:51:09 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: FY24 ABR workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99688875/At-Large+FY24+Budget+Development+Workspace
00:51:26 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: 2 ALAC, 2 Cross-RALO, 1 EURALO and 6 LACRALO proposals.
00:51:35 Judith Hellerstein: Sorry @marita. I stepped up since no one else was there
00:52:05 Marita Moll: Thanks for that judith
00:52:25 Maureen Hilyard: Great OFBWG report Judith
00:52:29 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Staff will submit them to the ICANN controller.
00:53:10 Eduardo Díaz: Participating in the CPWG meetings on a regular basis would be beneficial for all ALAC members as it would provide everyone with a deeper understanding of the issues being discussed and the potential impact of any advice being proposed. This knowledge would help to make informed decisions when voting on ALAC advice.
00:56:35 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome Leon!
01:03:19 Marita Moll: Any info on gorans role going forward
01:04:34 Marita Moll: He is still on contract, right
01:07:59 Jonathan Zuck: In a consulting role, Marita. I think it’s very likely just a way to pay him the remaining money on his contract.
01:08:45 Naveed: Is it included in the SOPs of the committee to also consult with the community on some possible expectations?
01:09:12 Marita Moll: Just wondering
01:10:52 Marita Moll: Boarding now. Thanks Leon for the update
01:11:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: +++ @JZ
01:12:06 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Thanks, All.
01:12:18 Ali AlMeshal: Thanks all
01:12:19 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thanks all!
01:12:25 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Thank you, Leon!
01:12:28 Sarah Kiden: Thank you all
01:12:33 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Hope your son feels better!
01:12:51 Mouloud Khelif: Thanks everyone for all the updates. Bye for now.
01:12:56 Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC: Thanks and bye to all
01:12:57 Shadrach Ankrah: bye
01:13:04 Olivier KOUAMI: Thanks Leon
01:13:06 Vernatius Ezeama: bye
01:13:09 Hadia El Miniawi: Thank you
01:13:11 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now then... Good call @JZ (love the energy) Thanks everyone!
01:13:12 Joshua Ayayi: Bye
01:13:15 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Thanks to all...
01:13:17 Pari Esfandiari: Thank you Leon and everyone.
01:13:27 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Bye
01:13:39 Eunice: thanks, bye
01:13:41 Olivier KOUAMI: Great Jonathan
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